Status: Due to logical paradoxes, the story now takes place in 2042, not 2032. Enjoy the story everyone :D please dont be afraid to share it with others!

The Workshop

Chapter IV: Waking Up

Samantha rolled over in the bed, curling up tight in the warm, pink blanket. It hugged every inch of her body, keeping her wrapped up like a cocoon in a tree on a windless spring day.

*Beep beep beep*

The alarm clock went off, and Sammy's eyes shot open as the annoying sounds reverberated throughout the room. In between each set of beeps, there was an eerie, indescribable silence that had been left by the disappearance of the hypnotic, soothing voice that was previously eminating from speakers placed strategically around the room. She sat up, pushed the hair out of her face, and turned off the alarm clock on the table beside her.


She straightened her back and pulled a lock of hair in front of her face to get a better view of it. It was blonde, with highlights of light brown hinted throughout her thick, luscious hair that hang down past her shoulders. The next thing she noticed was her hands, which were definitely more slender, smaller, softer, and more dainty than before, with her nails trimmed and well manicured. Her arms were completely hairless and smooth now, and she rubbed them gently, feeling a softness she had never felt before on her body. Her skin was more tan now as well. Some of the freckles that had been randomly dotted around her arm before were gone, but some remained where they were, and some new ones had popped up. The scar on her wrist was gone as well, from the time she had tried skateboarding when she was 12 years old - not the brightest idea on her part.

Next, she looked down at her chest, and that was all she saw. Her new D-cup breasts blocked her immediate view of anything below her. She rubbed them lightly with her hands. Why not? she figured. They're mine now...

Then, she rubbed her hips and her stomach. They too were smooth and soft, and her hips were a little wider than she remembered. Her stomach, now flat, tight and sexy, tingled at her soft touch. The happy trail was completely gone now, and she was glad of it - it had bothered her, even as a guy, but she was too lazy to get rid of it.

She decided to see what her new legs felt like, so she threw the blanket off of her and started rubbing them sensually. An unknown breeze filled her 'gap,' as she was still completely naked from the night before. Her legs felt like silk against her hands - they were also much thinner now, and although they were actually shorter now, they seemed longer in comparison with her new, smaller body. She brought her legs up so that her breasts were pressed against her thighs, and she started rubbing and playing with her feet. She had always had a bit of a foot fetish, and now, with her feet at size 7, her toes shorter and looking like they were fresh from a pedicure, she realized she was going to deeply enjoy high heels once she learned to walk in them.

Her new 'gap' was completely hairless too, and as she rubbed it slightly, she felt herself become slightly aroused, and an unknown desire kicked in inside her. It was short lived though, as she looked around the room with curiosity, she noticed a very large closet on the other side of the room.

She stood up, the weight of her new bust pulling down on her chest and shoulders, and stepped toward the closet. Her boobs jiggled slightly when she walked, her hips swaying and wiggling with every dainty step. Once she made it to the closet, she pulled the door open, flicked the light on, and stood in awe at the vast collection of clothes hanging from horizontal poles drilled into the wall. One the left, she had her skirts, jeans, and dresses, while on the right were her shirts and accessories. On her immediate right was a decent sized, faintly pink dresser with five drawers. She opened the top one and found an organized collection of panties and bras.

Lifting up a pair of light blue panties, she looked at them, wondering how she was going to fit into something so small. After a second or so, it dawned on her that she was, in fact, smaller as well. The whole size change was going to take some getting used to, and going from being a 5'11" guy to a 5'5" girl was a drastic change for anyone. She checked the panties for the tag and slipped them on, then searched around the drawer for a matching bra. Finding one, she noticed the label 36-D on it, which surprised her a bit for a reason she couldn't quite place.

She fastened the bra with the expertise of a woman who had been doing so for years, and didn't give it a second thought. Browsing through her new collection of clothes, she found a low cut, plain purple top and decided to wear it with a pair of blue skinny jeans. After fighting with the button, she walked out of the closet, and saw a hand-written note attatched to the back of the door.

Welcome to your new body! We just know you'll grow to love it. We tried to find aspects that you'd find especially appealing, as well as aspects that other women would find appealing. We wish you luck in your time there, and we can't wait to see you on Parent's Day in a month!
Tania & Janine

She removed the note from the door and placed it on the bed. Then, she noticed a mirror against a wall, between a TV and a desk with two chairs. It was then that she saw her new face for the first time.

Her hair, as she already knew, was shoulder length, blonde with subtle brown highlights and wavy. But, it was her facial features that caught her attention. She looked, in her opinion, somewhat like Taylor Swift had before her major accident in 2014 that left the massive scar across her face. Her face was more heart-shaped, her nose smaller and cuter, her eyebrows were thinner, and her eyes were a much deeper blue now. They looked very attractive and were as blue as the oceans, instead of plain and boring like they had been previously. Her adam's apple that had been developing for the past two years was now completely gone, as if it had never been there to begin with.

Wow... They made me so hot... I'd definitely date me.

She struck a pose in the mirror, complete with the hand-on-hip butt-shelf and the other hand high in the air, posing almost like a model. After several more poses, she looked herself in the eye, and an instant wave of self-confidence washed over her. She felt more confident in everything now - her grades, her looks, her social life, everything.

She walked over to the desk, and noticed a small silver key laying on top of a few pieces of paper that had been stapled together. The key had her name on one side and some number on the other side, 702. She stuffed the key in her pocket, realizing it would probably be important later. As she went to pick up the pieces of paper, she heard someone at the door.

*knock knock knock*

She opened the door and had to shield her eyes as the light in the halls was much brighter than the light in her room.

"Good morning, Samantha!" The person at the door said.

"Who are you?" She asked, lowering her hand from her eyes. "How do you know my name?" Her own voice surprised her, as she hadn't had a chance to use it yet. It was much higher than before, definitely feminine and sweet-sounding, as a girl's voice should be.

"My name is Ashley, and I've been assigned to be your 'big sister' for the next month." She said. "They gave me your name and room number, and a spare key too your room, if I need to get in or if you lose yours."

"Big sister? And who's they?"

"Basically, I'm like your mentor for the next month. Like, if there's something you need help with outside of your classes you can come talk to me. I'll help you make friends too, and maybe help you explore that sexy little body they picked out for you," she said with a wink as she scanned Sammy up and down."They are the people who run this place - kind of like the managers."

"Oh," Sammy said. "That's nice of them."

"Yup. So," Ashley's eyes wandered around the hallway. "Is there something you wanted to do, or any questions you have, or do you want to go to breakfast?"

"Breakfast, I guess," she replied as she tugged on her new bra, playing with it slightly to mentally reaffirm that this was real, and not some crazy, out-of-nowhere dream she was having.

"Well get some shoes on and let's go," Ashley said. Sammy obeyed, sliding her little feet into a pair of black flip-flops that had been resting by the door, along with several other pairs of shoes. She shut the door and they started for the staircase at the end of the hall.

"How long ago did you change? Ya know, into a girl?" Sammy asked as they started down the first of seven flights of stairs.

"About a month and a half ago, give or take. I was supposed to get my change a year sooner, but my parents wanted to wait as long as possible because they thought that raising a teenage girl, even for a year or so, was going to be back-breaking hell on them. My dad especially didn't want to raise a girl, and the only reason I'm here is so I can be more successful later in life."

"You have a dad? What's that like?" Sammy asked in wonder.

"Yup, I do. It's alright, I guess. I'm obviously used to it, and sometimes I think it's actually easier than having two moms." They were now on the fourth floor. "Dads aren't as emotional as moms, and if they are they don't show it. They're stronger, too, like physically, so they can protect you better if something goes wrong or something happens that a woman couldn't normally fix. I think that dads are just downplayed because they're not always as smart as the moms, ya know?"

"I guess," Sammy said. "I have two moms, so it's kind of weird to think about having a dad and a mom."

"I'm not ashamed of it though, I mean there's really nothing wrong with it. My dad was born too early to be eligble for the transformation, so there's not much anyone can do about it."

"I get that." They arrived on the first floor, where they came upon several girls standing around and giggling with one another about this and that and everything in between. Sammy and Ashley pushed a set of doors open, leading into a large cafeteria, filled with tables and more loud, giggly girls. They walked across the room and sat down at a vacant table, where the center of the table opened up and five screens that looked like computer monitors arose from the center, with a touch-pad in front of each one.

"What do these do?" Sammy asked.

"They're your menus. Just put your finger on the touch pad and you should be able to figure out the rest."

Sammy put her finger on the pad, and a red light switched on from underneath it and ran across her finger twice. The screen directly in front of her switched on, and in pink letters it read Welcome, Samantha. Congratulations on your first day at the Workshop, please enjoy your time here and your new body. Then the words on the screen moved to the side and up came a menu with several breakfast choices. She looked over and saw Ashley ordering two pancakes with a side of bacon and water, so she decided to get the same thing, but with orange juice instead.

"So tell me about yourself before you got your change," Ashley said. The screens then switched off and sank back down into the table, which closed up and became a regular eating space again.

"Well, I was kind of tall, about 5 feet 11 inches, and I had lighter blonde hair than I do now. My eyes weren't as blue, they were just kind of plain and boring. I wasn't very strong, and I never had a girlfriend or anything like that. No one found me attractive. I didn't do very well in school either. I played guitar, or at least I tried to, cause I wasn't very good at that either. But my moms always loved me and supported me in anything I wanted, so that was good."

"I see," Ashley said. She looked over and saw a hispanic looking man walking toward them with their food, resting on a large tray on his shoulder. Sammy saw him too, and looked surprised.

"They have a man working here?" She asked.

"Haha, yeah, it's ironic, but they're not allowed to discriminate. He's really good at his job too, and he's cool to talk to if you can actually get into a conversation with him," Ashley said. The man walked over to their table.

"Pancakes and bacon for both of you?" He said in his thick Spanish accent. "Who has the water?" Sammy pointed a finger at Ashley who took the cup and a plate from him, while he set Sammy's food in front of her.

"Thank you," both of the girls said in unison.

"De nada," he said as he walked away to go fill another order. The girls dug into their food, and Ashley looked at Sammy with a hint of lust in her eye.

"You've never had a girlfriend, you said?" she asked.

"Nope," Sammy replied. "Like I said, no one found me attractive."

"Well," Ashley said as she swallowed a piece of bacon, "Do you want one?"
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