Status: Due to logical paradoxes, the story now takes place in 2042, not 2032. Enjoy the story everyone :D please dont be afraid to share it with others!

The Workshop

Chapter VI: Masculism

The man turned and ran before either of them could say another word. Ashley tried to run after him, but she was no match for his speed. She walked back to Sammy, who was wiping her mouth and looking at what the man had done to the wall.

Man shall overcome
Women beware
it read, written over a black masculine symbol.

"Wow," Ashley said. "Why does he hate women so much? What have women done wrong to the world?"

"You have to see it from his point of view," Sammy replied. "Remember the feminist movements in the 1920's, 1960's and 2020's? Women were tired of being oppressed. Maybe he feels the same way about men these days."

"Don't tell me you're actually sympathetic with his masculist line of thinking. He's crazy, Sammy. He wants women to die and have men rule the world again. You've seen how the world was before the Workshops. Total anarchy, rioting in the streets, mass chaos. And he wants that world again. We need to tell someone about what he did to the wall, then forget any of this ever happened."

"I'm just saying, he might-"

"No, Sammy. Just stop. You can't let him get to you. Now let's go find someone who can deal with this."


"Let's go," she glowered.

She sighed and walked down the hall with Ashley. About five minutes later, they found a pair of administrators, explained to them what happened, then went back outside to find something else to do. They were sure they'd be called in for questioning about the wall and the man later, but they didn't want to think about that yet. They sat down on a short wall and Ashley pulled a vial of pink nail polish from her purse.

"Are you alright?" Ashley asked.

"Fine," Sammy replied. "Just a little shaken up."

"Do you want me to do your nails? It usually calms me down."

"Umm, I suppose," she said. She looked at her hands, then held out her right hand. Ashley opened the odorless vial and began coloring Sammy's nails a bright, sparkly shade of pink.
"Do you think they found him yet? Or, do you think they will?"

"It's best to just put that out of your head, hon," Ashley said as she moved to another finger. "Why are you so concerned with it anyways?"

"I don't know," Sammy said. "I guess it's just something different to think about. I mean I never knew there were actually masculists out there. I read stuff all over the place about it, but I thought it was just some guys my age just having fun, you know?"

"I know. But masculists are very real and very dangerous. They're this decade's hipsters, and moreover, they're terrorists. Remember the four airplane collisions on March 2nd, 2038? Masculists were behind it. September 11th, 2001? All men. And the supervirus that wiped out the entire internet back in July of 2027? A team of eight men, Sammy. Men are dangerous. They're evil and conniving and angry and brutal, all the time. At least women can be strong without causing pain to others. We can have emotion that isn't destructive. We are the better people." Every word from her mouth dripped a coldness and hatred that shook Sammy to her core.

"But what about your dad? And all that stuff you said about him?" Sammy held out her left hand, as Ashley had finished with the first already.

"What about it? He tries to be a good dad, sure. But he's not a good man, Sammy, none of them are."

Get out now...

Sammy looked around again. This was the second time today she had heard the quiet, almost whisper in her head.

"I guess you're right..." Sammy said. As strong as Ashley's evidence and logic was, she couldn't help thinking that everything she said was morally and ethically wrong. Without any evidence to the contrary, she flipped her hair out of her face and watched as Ashley worked on painting her left hand.

"Well I know I'm right." Ashley said, not even looking up from Sammy's hand. Until she was finished, the two sat there in silence while Ashley continued with painting her nails. When she finished, she looked up at Sammy, whose long blonde hair was being pushed lightly across her soft, delicate face with the breeze while she looked out onto the courtyard where the other girls were chatting and having a good time.

"So uhh, where's the bathroom?" Sammy asked as they stood up, realizing she hadn't gone since before being transformed.

"This way," Ashley said, leading her across the courtyard. They opened the door to find several girls standing in front of the mirrors, doing their make-up. One turned toward them as the door opened, and she greeted Ashley with a big 'best-friend' hug.

"Ashley!" the girl squealed in delight. Sammy could detect the faint Southern accent hidden in her voice.

"Kerri!" Ashley squealed back. "How have you been?"

"Good, good, I just became big sister to Sara here," she said, motioning to a girl staring intently at herself in the mirror.

"Really? I just got assigned to be Sammy's big sister," she said, motioning with her eyes toward Sammy who seemed to be interested in the tile decor on the wall. Kerri walked up to her and offered her a hug, which she accepted - hesitantly - to be nice.

"Enjoying everything so far?" Kerri asked.

"So far, yeah, just not really used to everything," Sammy said, looking down at her chest. Kerri giggled at that.

"You'll get used to it, and you'll love it, I promise," she said with a smile. "Well I have to go now, but it was nice to meet you, I'll see you around. Bye Ashley," she said as she gave goodbye hugs, and left with Sara out into the courtyard.

"She seems nice," Sammy said.

"She is, and we'll share a class with her." Ashley said, looking at herself in one of the mirrors.

Sammy walked into an open stall, took her pants down, slid her underwear off, and out of habit, began fumbling around for the penis that wasn't there. Slightly embarrassed, but thankful no one saw, she sat down and proceeded with her business.

Ashley was waiting for her outside. "You tried to pee standing up, didn't you?" she asked with a smirk.

"Yeah, yeah," she rolled her eyes. "I bet you did it too."

"I did, it's just funny when the newbies do it," Ashley said, giggling slightly.

The next day, Sammy and Ashley walked down to the school campus and went to their classes. Since this was Sammy's first day, she didn't get to do much, except for sit back and watch everyone continue on with the normal classes. Kerri shared her first class, and tried to socialize with Sammy and Ashley as much as she could before Ms. Taylor caught them and had Kerri move to the other side of the room - which didn't help much, as she had friends on that side of the room as well.

As it turned out, Sammy's Guitar/Choir teacher wasn't Christina Scabbia from Lacuna Coil, but her granddaughter, Carly. Sammy was disappointed, but enthusiastic about the class nonetheless. At the end of the class, she took a detour and decided to see what had been done about the wall from the day before. As it turned out, it had been taken care of already, and there wasn't a trace of anything that happened - not even a wet paint sign to show that it had been painted over. It was just, gone.

Thinking about what had happened the day before, she recalled everything Ashley had told her, about masculism and men in general. She recalled what the man had painted there, and what he had told her. He was right, coming here wasn't her choice, and she did feel a little weaker as a girl. But that's natural, she thought. Mental strength is better than physical strength...

She looked down at her new body, sexy, smooth and beautiful. Just like the billions of people before her that went through the same process. But I'm unique, she thought. I'm sexy and strong and powerful, and I am my own person now.

So she thought.

So she would be taught.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aaaaaaand another chapter bites the dust!
I think. ........ Huh.
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