Status: DONE!

Who Could Deny These Butterflies?

Chapter 13 - Zack's P.O.V

I walked up the stairs to find Kate sleeping in my bed. She let out some low snores, she was so damn cute. So innocent.. I stripped of my jeans and my shirt till I stood there in just my boxers. I lay down in the bed and wrapped the blanket around my body. My room was boiling because of the damn sun shining outside all day. The summer was awesome, but everything was so damn warm! I crawled in next to Kate and wrapped my hands around her body. Right before I went to sleep I heard my parents come home. They still didn't know that we were together, had kissed and had sex, but what they don't know, they don't need to know. They thought she just slept her because she wanted to. They should've known, I thought for myself and laughed. I tried to sleep but it was too hot. I went over to the window and opened it before I lay down in the bed again. When I got under the boiling blankets I saw that Kate was staring at me. "Oh shit! You scared me!" I whisper-yelled to her as she laughed. "Jeez, babe." I smirked and wrapped my hands around her again. We both fell asleep pretty fast.

The next day was another sunny day. "Hm, can't we go for a picnic in the park?" Kate asked while we cuddled in the bed. She played with my fingers, something I loved. "Yeah, that would've been nice.. I'm gonna take a shower and drive down to town to buy some food." I said to her and begged that I didn't meet Delilah again. "Sure." She answered me and kissed my lips before I got up of bed and into the shower. It took me about five minutes before I got into the car. I had no idea how Kate could use so much time in the bathroom!

When I drove into the city I noticed a jewelry-store, and I decided to get Kate something like a ring or a necklace. Not an engagement-ring, but just a ring. I stopped the car and walked into the jewelry-store where I was greeted by an old lady in her mid-sixties. "Hello, can I help you with something?" She said in a polite voice and smiled. "Uhm, yeah.. I'm looking for something for my girlfriend." I said and scratched my shoulder. "A ring or a necklace or something like that." She walked over to the counter and got out two rows of rings and necklaces. "Well, this one is my favorite.." She said and took out a beautiful diamond ring. "Oh my, it's perfect!" I grinned and took out my wallet. Okay, maybe it was a little more money that I thought it would be, but hey, what don't you do for the mother of your child? And your girlfriend of course. The old lady wrapped it in some paper and put it in a small, pink bag for me.

At the store I bought some alcohol-free champagne, bread, jelly and peanutbutter and of course; strawberries! I think we had the rest of what we needed at home. I payed and walked out to the car. I rushed into the car when I saw Delilah. Fuuck.. I drove away as fast as I could. Luckily she didn't see me.

"Hey Kate, I'm home!" I said and laughed at the sentence. It sounded like we were an old married couple in an old movie from the fifties or something. Kate soon came running down the stairs with a beautiful red dress on her that fitted perfectly and a pair of white ballerina shoes. Her hair was curled as always and she had make-up on. "Damn girl, looking good!" I said and winked at her and laughed. "Oh stop it!" She said and pecked my lips. "No, but seriously, you do." I said and smiled. I locked my hands with her as we walked together out to the car. This day was going to be really special. I opened the cardoor for her and she stepped in. I shut it behind her and got in on the other side. "So, which park are you taking me to?" She said and grinned. "That's a secret." I said and grinned. Actually it wasn't, I just didn't want to tell her right away.

The park was beautiful; flowers, the trees were blooming, green grass, a pond, ducks, everything was just like in a movie. I took out the picnic-basket from the car and a red and white carpet. You know, I like doing things properly. "Oh Zack, this is so nice!" She said and pecked my lips. I wrapped my hands around her waist and lifted her up and kissed her more passionately. An old couple passed by us and gave us a disgusted look as she whispered something to the old man next to her. Kate laughed and I sat her down. "Hungry, babe?" I said and smirked. "Do you even have to ask?" She said and laughed.

We sat on the blanket for a while just staring at each-other. I stroke her tummy and talked to it, feeling like an idiot, but hey! My baby is in there! "Heey! Daddy can't wait to see you. No he can't!" I laughed at my own immaturity, but Kate apparently thought that it was cute. "I really like how much you care about me and the baby." She said and smiled. "Oh! That reminds me of something!" I said and got out the pink mini-bag. "Uh, this is not a proposal or something, I just wanted you to have it." I smiled and handed it to her. "Oh, Zack! That is the cutest thing ever!" She said and smirked. "Well, unwrap in then!" I said and pecked her lips. "Okay, okay! It's hard!" She said and bit her tongue as she tried to get of the thread. When she opened the silver box the ring lay in she started to cry. "Shh, babe, don't cry!" I said and wiped her tears away with my thumbs. "I-I-I really like i-i-it.. I lo-o-o-ve you so much!" She said and kissed my lips. I licked her lower lip begging for entrance. She let me in and I roamed my tongue freely around in her mouth. "Mm.." She groaned. "Mommy! Look at them! Thej're kissing!" A little girl, probably around three years old, shouted to her mother and pointed at us. Her mother took her hand and rushed away. Kate blushed and laughed, so did I. We laughed for probably two minutes straight. Tears ran down our faces because we laughed so much. "Oh my god, that is so awkward!" She said and held her hand to her tummy as she laughed even more. "I know! Did you see her mother?" I said and laughed.

After a while the laughter stopped and most of the food were gone, we decided to head back home. Kate got up and offered me her hand to help me up. "I love you, Zack. Do you know that?" She said and kissed my lips. "I know you do, and I love you too." I said and kissed her back.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kate's outfit.
The Ring.