Status: DONE!

Who Could Deny These Butterflies?

Chapter 17 - Zack's P.O.V

Okay, I got to admit two things. One: that Marcy-girl in the counter was hot, and two: I was a bit disappointed over it being a girl, and not a boy. Of course I was happy about it, but I kinda looked forward to take the baby out throwing baseball, teaching him to drive a bike and stuff.. I don't know. I guess that this will be good too.

"Uh, Zack?" Kate asked me while she stared out of the window. I didn't move my eyes from the road. I just didn't see why I should.

"Do you.. Like.. Want to move in with me?" I bit my teeth together. I had no idea what to answer. I loved her, no doubt about that. And moving away from my parents would've been nice. But, it is a big step to move in with someone.

"Uh, I guess?" I said and tried to smile. "Seriously? Are you saying this to be nice to me, or are you serious?" She looked at me hopefully. "Of course I want to move in with my girlfriend." I said and smiled at her. "Uh, well, okay then." She said and turned her head to see out again.

Shit, when did I move in? And how would it be? How did I move in with her? Did I take with me all of my clothes and my stuff? Man, this was actually a big step to take. Uh, so did I like propose to her, or? I had to talk with Rian and Jack. No fucking way if I am talking with Alex, that jerk.

"Hey dude. Need to talk with you. Meet me at Starbucks?" I sent the text to both Rian and Jack.

"Uh, I am driving you home first, and then I am going to meet Rian and Jack at Starbucks to drink some coffee, then I'll come back here. Okay?" I said and kissed her. "Do you want me to bring something back to you?" She just nodded and thought for a moment before she opened her mouth. "Strawberries and a cappuccino." She said and grinned. "You never change, do you babe?" I said and laughed.

When I came to Starbucks both Rian and Jack were there. They both had a warm coffee between their hands, and they laughed. As soon as they saw me they jumped up and down and waved at me.

"Hi guys! Try and be a little more mature!" I said and laughed. They knew I was just kidding with them.

"But, uh. I need to tell you something. Two things actually." I said and grinned.

"Okay, go ahead!" Rian said and smiled.

"Well, first of all; me and Katie are having a little girl.." Jack cut me off before I could say anything else.

"Sweet! I'm gonna be a uncle to a little girl! Sweet! I'm so teaching her how to get all the boys." He said and put his fist in the air. "And of course about the birds and the bees."

"Ugh, Jack, you're disgusting. As the mature and sophisticated man I am, I will learn her to tell the difference between good and bad coffee." Rian said and gave Jack the finger.

"Uh, sure.. The other thing, anyways is that I am moving in with Kate.." Their mouths dropped and I'm sure their eyes nearly popped out from their scull.

"Dude! Moving in is like marry her!" Jack whisper-yelled to me.

"No, but seriously, she is carrying my baby, I love her really, really much, and yeah. It seemed like the right thing to do."

"It could be Alex' too.." Rian added in a low voice. I gave him a look to say "Don't even go there."

"Fuck man, I just wanted to tell you. Don't tell Alex anyways. Kate can do that." I said and got up and walked out to my car.

I drove over to Kate's place. Fuck, I forgot the strawberries and the cappuccino. Oh well, she'll probably survive anyways.

"Hi babe." I said when I walked in. "Hey! Did you get me the strawberries?" She said and jumped up of the couch and walked towards me. She stood on her toes and kissed me.

"Uh, no, sorry babe.. I totally forgot. I just got a bit angry at Jack and Ri, so I drove back here. Sorry." I lent down and kissed her again.

"Oh, okay. But why did you get angry at them?" She asked me while she walked into the kitchen and got out two bowls, cereal and milk.

"Uh, well. I told them we're having a girl and that we're moving in together, and Jack started with marriage and shit, and then Ri said that the baby might be Alex' and yeah." I scratched my neck like I always did when I got nervous. And in this case because I talked about a touchy subject; that the baby might not be mine.

"Oh.." She said and bit her lip. I knew she didn't like where this was going.

"Don't get angry at me now babe, but I want to take a paternity test when the baby is born." Again, I scratched my neck. I knew this was stupid of me.

"Yeah.. I thought about if myself too, actually." I actually didn't think she would say that, but it was good that I wasn't the only one then.

We sat at the kitchen island and ate in silence. Shit, this was going to be a really awkward night.

"Do you want to spend the night here?" She asked me out of the blue. "Uh, sure."

We walked to a night-open store to buy a movie. Kate managed to talk me into two chic flicks, "The Notebook" and some other weird ass movie.

"Fine, babe. But you owe me big time! And never tell Jack, Ri or Alex if I cry of the movie, okay?" I said to her while I walked towards the candy. Of course, Delilah was there. Fuck.

I tried to avoid her, but nothing slipped her eyes. "Zack!" Delilah shouted all over the store. Shit. "Uh, hi." I said without looking at her.

"So, why did you leave the other day?" She said and looked at me. Shit, what was I supposed to say?

"Uh, it was a mistake going over there. Everything with you was a mistake." I said and looked her in her eyes.

"If I could take it back I would do it without thinking. I almost lost the girl I love the most in this entire world, so if you would do me a favor? Never talk to me again." Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped.

I could see that she looked over my shoulder at someone or something, so I turned around seeing Kate standing behind me with her hands on her tummy and the biggest smile ever.

"Thank you so much for saying that about me. I love you so much."

I walked over to her and cupped her face in my hands and kissed her.

"I love you too." I said and smiled.

I took her hand and walked over to the counter with her to pay for the food we got.

"That'll be 44 dollars." The old man said and smiled to us. I payed for the food and walked out to the car finding Delilah leaning against the car door.

"What are you doing here?" I said and sighed. Kate came behind me and took my hand.

"Oh, I just wanted to let your girlfriend over there know what I did to you that made you moan my name so loud." She said and frowned.

"Don't even go there, Delilah!" I said and pointed my finger in her face.

"Zack.. Don't think about it. I don't care." Kate forced a crooked smile on her lips, but not even that could stop me.

"No! She is a fucking bitch! And she deserves to hear it!" I shouted to Kate. I hated screaming at her, but that bitch in front of me pissed me off so bad.

"Zack! I am serious! Just get her away or something!" Kate yelled back at me before she walked in front of me pointing her finger at Delilah.

"You fucking bitch! I know what happened between you and Zack, and right now I don't give a damn about it! Me and Zack are having a baby together, and we're happy! And nothing can ever change that! Not even you! So back the fuck off!"

I could see how pissed off Kate was now, and all honest, it turned me on to see her this angry.

All of a sudden Delilah pushed Kate away so she fell onto the ground. Kate screamed and she landed flat on her back. Her hands flew up to protect her tummy.

"What the fuck?!" I yelled at Delilah and got down on one knee to help her up.

"Babe? Are you okay?" I was so worried and that bitch just ran away before I could even tell her off. I picked up my cellphone and called an ambulance. God knows what could've happened with the baby.

"I love you, Zack.." Was all she said before she passed out on the ground.