Status: DONE!

Who Could Deny These Butterflies?

Chapter 5 - Zack's P.O.V

Man, I was so pissed at that idiot Ryan! I couldn't even talk with Kate now because I was too pissed. I felt really bad not talking to her, but it was pretty awkward too. I think we both realized what we did this morning, still a little drunk after the huge amounts of booze last night. Still, I didn't regret anything, and I really wanted to do it again. I stared down at her while she took the last piece of her burger in her mouth. Damn, that reminded me that I still hadn't eaten a single piece of mine. The burger was gone in no time.

My anger had faded a bit, so I took my hand down to hers, wrapping my fingers between hers. I didn't dare to look at her, but I could hear that she smiled. Finally we got to my house. I let her go as I searched for my key in my pocket but couldn't find it. "Fuck.." I said to myself. "What is it?" "Oh, I just can't find my key. But I think there's a spare-key in the garage."

It was freezing inside. I didn't think it would be this could just because I was away for one day. "Jeez, Zack, are you like a freaking vampire all of a sudden? It never been so cold in here before!" Kate said with a grin on her face. "Very funny, and no, I'm not a gay, sparkling vampire. And if I even was one, I would be freaking awesome. Like Dracula or something." "Haha, glad we sorted that one out. I'm going to make some warm chocolate, you want one?" Kate asked me as I tried to get some heat in the house. I failed miserably the first time, but after a few tries I managed to get some sparks in the oven.

"Hey babe, this smells delicious!" I said as I got up behind her wrapping my hands around her waist. I wondered how we went from being best-friends to be fuck-friends in no time. Of course I didn't mind, but still, it seemed so unreal. "Thanks, but it's just warm chocolate, nothing special really," she smirked. "Well, I'm pretty sure it'll be the best cocoa I've ever tasted in my entire life!" I said and kissed her temple and walked back to the living-room to see how the fire was. "Don't think that I will bring you your warm chocolate! Even though we had sex doesn't mean that I'll do anything else for you!" Kate shouted from the kitchen as I started to laugh. "What?! You don't want to bring me my warm chocolate?" I got my lower lip out and sobbed. "Hell to the no!" She laughed back at me kicking my legs as she passed by me. She sat down and turned on the television. "Hey, do not spill the cocoa on my mothers couch! She will kill me!" I said while I walked to the kitchen to get my cup of cocoa. "Fuck.." I mumbled to myself when I burned my fingers on the cup.

"What are you watching, babe?" I shouted from the kitchen. "Home Alone!" Oh my god.. I don't know how many times she and Jack had forced me to watch that stupid movie with them over and over and over. "You know, sometimes I wonder if you and Jack get along so well because you both love that movie, and everyone else is sick and tired of watching it hundred times with you!" She came into the kitchen to get some more hot chocolate for herself as she stood on her toes to give me a quick kiss. I sat the cup on the kitchen-island and wrapped my hands around her waits dragging her closer to me. A small groan left her mouth as I pulled her harder against me and kissed her. "You wanna go upstairs?" She asked me, our lips still touching. "Do you even have to ask?"

She wrapper her legs around my waist as we went upstairs to my bedroom. "I'm sorry it's so messy.." I said to her with an apologizing smile. "Mm.. Don't ruin the moment Zack." I let a small laugh slip out of my mouth as we stood on the floor dragging of each-others t-shirts. I kissed her on her mouth before I lay her down on my bed kissing her down her stomach and dragged of her jeans. She dragged me up to her so she was on top of me kissing down my stomach. She pulled down my jeans and my boxers all at once. She kissed me up my stomach and to my face. Fuck, I knew she was going to tease me so bad now.. She made hickeys on my neck and found her way back down to my stomach sliding her tongue all the way down to my.. What the fuck was that?! I jumped up from my bed, and because Kate was on top of me she fell down to the floor. "Jeez, what was that for?" she asked me with a grumpy voice. "I'm sure I heard someone downstairs.." I whispered to her as I took on a t-shirt and a boxer that I found on the floor. "Just, get on some clothes, Kate." I walked out of my bedroom with Kate after me in an over-sized band t-shirt and a pair of my boxers. "Zack, are you sure? Wasn't it just a car on the other side of the street or something?" I could hear that she was a little scared, so I took her hand. "Yeah, I'm sure babe. But don't worry." I whispered to her. "But, uh, Zack.. If there actually is a thief or something down there, you might not want to try to scare them while you got a boner.." She giggled at me. Shit, that I totally forget about... "Jack and Alex naked, Jack and Alex naked.. There we go." I thought for myself. "Wow, that was fast!" She laughed. I just rolled my eyes. When we got down the stairs I saw a pink gorilla-costume in the kitchen. "Fuck off Jack! Why the hell are you even here?!" I yelled to him. I was really angry at him for ruining the moment with me and Kate. "Hey, don't be such a dickhead! Alex is here too, so don't be angry at me!" He shouted back. Fuck, that bastard was making food again. "And besides, we didn't have any good food at home, and you always does, so I thought, what the fuck, why don't go and make some food at Zack's house? So yeah, here I am, making food." I sighed and turned to Kate and gave her an apologizing smile.