Status: Starting...

Love Notes

Chapter Two: Taylor

Five, four, three, two,! RING. Finally! Last hour doesn't go fast enough....all I want to do is see...
"Brandon! Hey!"
"You didn't read my note did you?"
"No, not yet. Why?"
"I'll just tell you then. You can't keep talking to me." Heart sinking.
"Huh?" My face must look so pathetic right now.
"My girlfriend says I shouldn't talk to you." That Bitch!
"Yeah, Taylor." Oh, head cheerleader, hot, slut. Nope never heard of her.
"She thinks we like each other or something ridiculous like that."
"Yeah ridiculous." How is it ridiculous?!
Enter whore. "Hey babe. What are you doing?"
"Nothing. Haylee was asking me for help about English class." Really? Are you dumb? Everyone knows I'm smarter than you.
"Why can't she ask some one else?" If looks could kill...
Is that tongue?!
"Okay this was fun and all but I'm gunna go." Nothing? Really?
Turns away.
Are they still going at it?
Reaches in pocket. Pulls out note. Throw.
Screw you Taylor and screw you Brandon for picking her! How long have they been together? She's usually going around and now she's settling down?! With him. Of course!
♠ ♠ ♠
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