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These Tables Are Numbered, Honey

“Guys,... Can you let me and Lace have a moment alone?” I asked, after clearing the tension from my throat. I had been sitting in this warm seat, in the middle of this cold room, pondering on what to say since I felt her cold hand move in mine. My voice cut the mood in the room like a knife. The boys just stood up and nodded as they headed for the door.

I waited to hear the click of the door knob before turning to face Lacey. “Why did you do that. I know we got in a fight, but you're a little more independent than that, baby.” I whispered. “One fight shouldn't want to make you throw me and everything else in your life, away. It shouldn't make you want to run from everything. At least, not in this way.” I whispered and looked up at her.

I waited a couple minutes and all I heard was the loud, annoying beeping coming from the machines. Listening hard enough I could even hear the drip from her IV. I swallowed, trying to clear my throat again. If something good doesn't happen, I might be registered into the hospital myself.

“Lacey.” I whispered quietly, and tried to get her to say something. “You scared me. The least you could do is say something.” I whispered, looking at her pale and cold face, lying there. She looked dead already, and if it weren't for the heart monitor assuring me she was alive, at least for these seconds passing, I'm sure I'd believe her heart had stopped.

She continued to remain silent, her eyes mostly shut. Maybe I was angering her. Maybe I was guilt tripping her without even meaning too. Maybe she just didn't know what to say to me, just like me. I just stared at her and moistened my mouth with my tongue. The door opened and I stiffened up as the nurse came in and checked her IV. She fiddled with the bag and inserted a needle into the cord and pushed in another liquid. Probably more pain medication. The nurse looked at me and tilted her hat as she walked back out and shut the door, giving us our privacy.

Sighing, I looked back over at her, and held her hand in both of mine. “Lacey, Lacey, Lacey...” I whispered, “It's time to stop this.” Lacey moved her head slightly in my direction, as if she was now interested in what I had to say. “It's time to toughen up. Be a little stronger. I'm here for you.” I rubbed her knuckles with my fingers.

I looked over at the window where several bouquets of flowers, daisies, wild-flowers, and roses, stood. The sun shown on them, and kept them alive and prospering. It was like a sign, a sign that told me Lacey would be fine. She'd make it.

I looked back over at her and pressed my lips to her hands and looked back up to her cold, white face. “I love you, Lace.”