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I'd Pay Too See You Frown.

This was overwhelming. What she had just done. Pinning me against the wall and ripping my sleeves up to my elbows to show the cuts on my wrists. I gasped, “Lacey, stop!” I pushed her off a little. I saw the tears brimming her eyes, and I felt guilty, but I shouldn't. I felt a bit of anger welling up in my gut, and I turned her around, pinning her to the wall.

“You thought I stopped!?” I growled. There was a voice in my mind, Brendon, what are you doing? Stop it, you're frightening her!” But I ignored it. I completely pushed it away. “What about you! You haven't even tried to stop, have you, dollface?” I hissed, pushing up her sleeves, “Where are they, Lace, cause I know they're here.” I pushed her shirt up, and the hem of her shorts. I saw the jagged cuts and pushed myself away. “There. Don't be such a fucking hypocrite!” I tore at my hair and paced around the room.

The tears were relevant on her face, making tracks down to her face. She was shaking, pushing her shirt and sleeves back down, and her face was all squished up, as if she was trying to think herself out of this position, but there was no place for her to go. I wouldn't let her leave. Not while all of this was going on, because I knew she would just run off to go hurt her self.

“And I smell the beer on you, Lace!” I growled some more, turning to look at her. “You had some before you cam here! Am I right? Don't answer that! Of course I'm fucking right!” I punched the wall. “So don't tell me what to do, and what not to do when you're doing worse things than I! Got me?” I growled, getting closer again, “I worry about you! Not myself! And there will be an ending for us.” That sentence seemed to calm me down, as I got even closer, and put both of my hands on either side of her.

“Look at me.” I said, but she ignored me. “Lacey, I said look at me.” I said, sternly. She slowly looked up into my eyes, “There will be ending. A good one. An amazing one. A happy one. Where we are both happy, and old, and sitting on a front porch in rocking chairs, I promise.” I stroked my fingers through her hair, and then her cheek. “I wouldn't lie to you about a promise.” I slowly pressed my lips to hers, in a warm kiss, my hands trailing down to her hips, and holding her against me. Her lips were so soft and warm, even though she was trembling, and I felt her tears on my face, this was the best moment of my life.