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Strangled By A Kite's Cold Strings

I stumbled into the bathroom, and gripped the sink tightly, almost falling over on the way. I reached a shaky hand out for my razor. What point was there to try and hide it? There wasn't a point in keeping my cuts a secret anymore. Brendon knew, and he hated me for it. He hated me in general.

I'd probably be doing him better if I wasn't around anymore. I could just disappear and he'd be much better off than I ever was with him.

The blade dragged against my skin dangerously deep and I bit down on my lip hard. "Are you happy now?" I yelled to no one in particular. Another slash, followed by another. Blood started trickling down my wrist and ran down into the sink where it started to form in a deep, crimson puddle.

A slight whimper fell from my mouth as tears started to fall down my cheeks, occasionally dipping in with the blood.

Another slash.

"I can't be good enough for you." Slash. "I can't be good enough for anyone." Slash.

In the distance, I heard a slight ringing, but I couldn't tell if it was all in my ears or not. It seemed so distant, so far away from where I was.


The more blood that went down the drain, the more just took its place. It was a cycle. A cycle that was leaving me emptier and emptier than I was a second before.


I could hear his voice, and practically feel his breath against my neck, like he was right behind me, about to wrap his comforting arms around my waist. "What are you waiting for? It's not like I want you.

I sobbed and cut again, my knees starting to shake underneath me.

The way he'd held onto me so tightly, but not in the way that he was trying to protect me. Like he was trying to hurt me. Maybe it was just a hint that I was the last thing he wanted to deal with. I was the last sort of person he wanted to waste his time around.

One final slash to end it.

My trembling hands reached out for something to hold onto, something to keep myself stable, but it wasn't working. My head was spinning, my mind racing but at the same time going nowhere. I was going to be sick. I was going to faint. I wasn't sure what was going on, but something was happening.

"Brendon..." I cried out, but he was nowhere near me. He couldn't hear when I called out for him.

From underneath me, my legs gave out, and I collapsed to the floor. The ringing was louder than before, swallowing me, while my fuzzy brain was beginning to suffocate me.