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Suicide is Press Coverage.

“She’s probably still just pissed.” I rolled my eyes, towards Jon, and he handed me another cold beer. “She’ll get over it eventually.” I whispered, but something in the back of my mind told me something was dead wrong and I was just sitting here at this table, doing nothing to stop it, but what could I do? I didn’t even know what was it was, that felt wrong. It was probably just me being paranoid.

“If you say so, dude.” Jon said, and stood up from the table, to throw away his empty beer can. I looked down at mine, and bit my lip hard. “Just…, we all know she has problems.” He muttered under his breath, as if I wouldn’t hear, but I wasn’t in the mood to defend her, after all of this.

“Shut up, Jon. I’m not in the mood.” I bitched at him, and took a drink of the awful tasting beer. “God, you never even buy the nice kind.” I growled lightly, and stood up, pouring the booze down the sink and turning to look at him. “Okay, if you’re so worried, what do you think is wrong?” I asked, wanting to hear his speculation.

“Well, she’s in love with you, there’s no doubt about that. You two just had an awful fight, where you went off on one of your abusive rages. She isn’t answering her phone, or the door, and her car is in her driveway, so she isn’t gone. Lights are on in the house. Maybe she tried too-” Jon was cut off by the ringing of my cellphone.

I held up a finger, “Hold on, it’s Ryan.” I said, and answered the phone to my ear, “Hello?” I grunted, annoyance apparent in my voice.

“Guys, its Lacey, Brendon. I went over and the back door was unlocked. I found her in the bathroom, passed out and blood was all over the sink and floor.” I could hear the sound of paramedics and the noises from ambulances in the background, and I felt my heart stop. “She tried to kill herself.”

I fell back into the chair and gasped, “I-Is she okay?” I began to stammer, a look of horror written over my face.

“She lost a lot of blood, but they think she’ll be okay, if they get her to the hospital in time. They’re leaving now…” Ryan gasped.

“Go with her!” I shouted, and jumped up, grabbing my jacket and slinging it on. I hung up the phone and slid it in my pocket. “Jon, come on, they’re taking Lacey to the hospital, and I need to be there.” I whimpered and ran out of the house quickly and fumbled with my keys as I unlocked my car as fast as my shaking hands would allow.

I jumped into the driver side and started the car as Jon slid in and shut the door quickly. “Seatbelts.” I announced, and slid mine on and floored it out of his drive way, and towards Mercy Hospital.

Running into the hospital, I ran up to the receptionist, with Jon right behind me. “What room is Lacey in?” I gasped, almost out of breath from running so quickly.

“U-uh, 378 on the fourth floor.” The red headed, pale, receptionist stammered, obviously not good under stress.

Muttering a quick thanks, I ran to the elevator, and found it was almost impossible to stand still in the box. “What if she’s dead?” Tears were starting to brim my eyes.

“They would have told Ryan, and Ryan would have called us… Calm down, she’s fine.” Jon frowned, but I could tell he wasn’t so sure, either. The doors opened, and Jon led me out, and down the hallway. I was shaking horribly, as we passed rooms 376, 377… I saw 378 and ran in almost immediately, to see Ryan looking up at us.
He pressed a finger to his lips, and tears slid down my face as I walked over to the bed. Lacey was lying there, motionless, and if I didn’t hear the heart wrenching beats of her heart monitor, I would think, lifeless also. Flinging myself down in the chair by the bed, I took her hand in mine. Tears fell on her hand, and I couldn’t help but apologize.

“I’m s-so sorry, Lacey. P-Please wake up.”