Status: Critical editing process occurring as of June 29th, 2013.

In 102 Languages I Love You


i love you

Dearest Frankie,

hey there :) You're sitting beside me right now, and I think you're trying to snoop and look at what I'm writing....yeah you were I just told you to look away! Frank I can make this letter somewhat depressing, because believe me I know how to make you cry, but I don't want it to be like that.

Your face is turned away from me now, and I can only make out the side of your features. Your nose is a perfect replica of your mothers, you know that? It's cute. Your eyes almost look green right now, as the rays of the sun fighting through my window reflect against it. Your lip rings little lights dance upon the rings, it's beautiful. You're beautiful (yes, beautiful :] )

There are so many things I want to say right now, I just don't know how to. There are so many things I feel like I need to tell you, or thank you for, but then I think this letter would get way too long, and I know you don't want to hear me rambling. I don't know how to start this off, or what to say. My mind is running through so many numerous things right now, I feel like it's going to explode. Let's begin, okay?

It started off on a moderate day in September. I had been whining to my mother about going outside. I never liked being out in the sun too much, but she made me walk around all the time. I had been kicking a rock aimlessly when I hear someone (Mikey) yell 'Frank watch out!' I can still feel your chest bump against me. I remember falling to the floor, quick and hard. I can still feel the pain. But even better, I can still feel your touch. It was the first time a guy had ever touched me (excluding my brother, but hey that's my brother) And from that very day on, you haunted me.

Frank, I think the only thing I'd have to say is thank you. But 'thank you' doesn't even begin to explain just how much you meant mean to me.

Dear god, I don't know how many things I wouldn't have experienced if it wasn't for your crazy self! From sledding down a hill and breaking my leg, to going pajama shopping, and even going to my first show! I loved it when you showed me the Jersey shore, or when you wrote me that song in my valentines day card, when I still went to school, and you showed me around, to our health project being parents with baby Linda. Remember when we imprinted our names on the cement together? Back when you thought I was weird? That's going to be there for a while, well, I hope.

You gave me my first kiss, and told me what 'hooking up' was. You became vegetarian in respects of me not being able to eat something that was once alive. We endured the pain of my mother, and my brother when they found out we were dating. But hey, we got through it alive right? Well, you did.

You were there when Drake left me.
You were there even after I rejected you so many times.
You were there when I couldn't walk.
You were there to comfort me when I needed someone.
You were there when I wanted to be alone.
You were always there, always.
I dont know how many guys can handle that.

I know you're probably reading this while I'm gone, but when I see you again one day I hope you come back old. I hope you come back, and tell me stories how your band (whether it be Pencey Prep or any other band) conquered the world. I hope you come back, and tell me how many lives you saved. I hope you come back, and tell me all about the woman you fell in love with, the woman you married. I hope you tell me how amazing she is, how beautiful, and everything you adore about her. I hope you come back, and tell me stories about your kids, about your life, and how amazing it was.

I guess this is what life had in store for me and now I've learned to accept that I, too, am leaving, and not to be pissed at anyone for not having any time to live out longer. Sometimes it just gets me angry though. It seems like every one around me takes their own breathing for granted, and I just wish I was them. I want their time, because I really do want to live, and I know I can't. Its days like those I wish life was fair. I just despise leaving everyone behind; you, my brother, my mother. But I guess after I'm gone you guys won't be bothered by helping me with everything.

When you came into my life Frank I was lost. I, too, was throwing my life away. There was something about you that made me want to live. You're the reason I can leave this earth being completely satisfied with what my life is defined as. It's all because of you.

Your life isn't over, so for the sake of me, and yourself don't waste it mourning me.
It's time to let me go.

'Thank you' seems like the most overrated word there is. And it doesn't seem like enough to say to you, because it's not all I feel. You used to tell me you loved me all the time. And I'm sorry I could never say it back. I don't know how love is supposed to feel like. But if it feels like you adore every second with the person beside you, and you can't imagine yourself living without them, or waking up beside them in the morning, seeing them at their worst, looking shitty, and smelling gross, or even putting up with stupid mood swings, lovely dovey kisses, and arguments, then I guess I have an idea.

You were never perfect, I was never perfect, and I guess that is the best way to be. Because if you were perfect, where is the fun in that? I can tell you a hundred things wrong with you, and you can do the same with me. I don't think love is about being perfect anyway, or having the most perfect relationship. It's not about being with each other twenty four seven, or kissing all the time, and looking at each other like we're the most gorgeous people alive. It's just knowing that the person in front of you is something special, and it's someone you want with you forever, no matter what.

To finish this off Frank, I think I love you. No, I KNOW I love you. I love you enough to tell it to you in so many ways.
Frank, In 102 languages, I love you.
In French:Je t'aime
In Latin:Vos amo
In Spanish:Te Amo
In Portuguese:Eu te amo
In Esperanto:Mi amas vin
In Italian:Ti amo
Second Way In Spanish:Te Quiero
In Japaneese:Kimi O Ai Shiteru
In German:Ich liebe Dich
In Chinese:Wo ie ni
In Bulgarian:Obicham te
In Dutch:Ik hou van jou
In Swedish:Jag alskar dig
In Filipino/Tagalog:Mahal kita
In Lithuanian:TAVE MYLIU
In Serbo Croatian:Ja te volim
In Bolivian Quechua:Qanta munani
In Irish:taim i' ngra leat
In Cambodian:Bon sro lanh oon
In Greek:S' Agapo
In Lao:Koi muk jao
In Albanian:Te dua
In Zuni:Tom ho' ichema
In Russian:Ya lyublyu tebya
In Polish:Ja Cie Kocham
Second way In Polish:Kocham Cie
In Croatian :Volim te
In Gaelic:Ta gra agam ort
In Afrikaans:Ek is lief vir jo
Second way in Afrikaans:Ek het jou liefe
In Burmese:Chit pa de
In Lingala:Nalingi yo
In Japanese:Daisuki
In Romanian:Te Iubesc
In Hokkien:Wa ai lu
In lojban:mi do prami
In Sioux:Techihhila
In Tunisian:Ha eh bak
In Assamese:Moi Tomak Bhal Pau
In Berber:Lakh tirikh
In Cantonese:Ngo oi ney
In Arabic:Ana Behibak
In Corsican(to female):Ti tengu cara
In Corsican(to male):Ti tengu caru
In Kiswahili:Nakupenda
In Thai:Ch'an Rak Khun
In Kurdish:Ez te hezdikhem
In Luo:Aheri
In Latvian:Es milu tevi
In Basc:Nere Maitea
In Malay:Saya cintamu
In Sign Language:Image
Second Way In French:Je t'adore
In Hungarian:Szeretlek
In Creole:Mi aime jou
In Ethiopian:Afgreki'
In Braille:Image
In Catalan:T'estimo
In Hawaiian:Aloha wau ia 'oe
In Vai:Na lia
In Srilankan:Mama oyata ardery
In Fijian:Au lomani iko
In Navajo:Ayor anosh'ni
In Yoruba:Mo Feran e
In Basque:Maite zaitut
In Cheyenne:Ne mohotatse
In Greenlandic:Asavakit
In Cebuano:Gihigugma ko ikaw
In Cebuano(2nd way):Nahigugma ako nim
In Armenian:Yes kez si'rumem
In Kekchi:Nacatinra
In Chaldean:Kibinakh
In Quenya:Tye-mela'ne
In Maltese:Inhobbok
In Hausa:Ina sonka
In Taiwanese:Wa I Lee
In Ilocano:Ay ayating ka
In Kpele:I walikana
In Samoan:Ou te alofa outou
In Sinua:min rakastan sinu
In Estonian:Ma armastan sind
In Dhivehi:Varrah loabi vey
In Papiamento:Mi ta stima'bo
In Tugen:Achamin
In Mikmaq:Kesalul
In Sesotho:Ke a mo rata
In Ashanti/Akan/Twi:Me dor wo
In Interglossa:Mi esthe philo tu
In Setswana:Dumela
In Vietnamese:Toi yeu em
In Welsh:Rwy'n dy gari di
In Tahitian:Ua here au ia oe
In Surinam:Mi lobi joe
In Somali:Waan ku Jecelahay
In Slovak:Lubim ta
In Osetian:Aez dae warzyn
In Shona:Ndinokuda
In Mokilese:Ngoah mweoku kaua
In Hebrew:Anee ohevet otkha
In Gilbertese:Itangiriko
In Betazed:Imzadi
In English:I Love You.

I'm sorry I never got to say it in person, but I want you to know that you not only taught me how to live, but you also taught me how to love. It doesn't matter the different ways to say 'I love you' from different countries, because in the end we all know how love feels, and we know what it means. I hope this makes up for never saying it in person.

I love you, Frank.

I'm going to miss being in your arms.

I'm going to miss the way you smell,

your smile, your girly giggle.

I'm gonna miss you.
Love always,
Madison Claire Darko.

p.s I don't think you know how much research I had to do to get all those languages! So appreciate it pansy! =]
♠ ♠ ♠
I love you in Gilbertese!

Let me know what you thought of this :)

Two more to go !!