Sequel: No Clue Why I'm Alone
Status: I luffles Romeo :3

No Clue Why I Met You


Frank sat at the table in the cozy café, drumming his fingers on the table. His hazel eyes flickered around the place until the bell above the door rang, signaling another customer had come in.

Addison’s black hair emerged from behind the heavy door and Frank flagged her down with his hand. They both smiled, Addison taking the seat across from Frank.

“So why was I asked to this cozy reunion?” Addison joked, turning to face the waitress who had appeared out of the blue. After ordering a hot chocolates and a tart for Frank, she turned back to him.

“I think it’d be better if it was discussed when our drinks and tart came.” He concealed his smile under his sleeve, his hands playing with his lip ring.

“That important, huh?” Addison said, folding her hands on the table. Frank shrugged, his eyes looking over to the only visible part of the kitchen. Heat seemed to radiate from Frank’s face as the waitress brought their drinks out. He took his with a gracious smile and pushed Addison’s over to hers while cutting his strawberry tart in half.

“Well… I kind-“ He was cut off by his phone vibrating in his pocket. He looked down to see a text from Mikey.

Bring coffee on ur way hom. out of it.

He texted back a quick fuck you and turned back to Addison who was smiling curiously.

“Right… What I was saying before Mikey demanded coffee was… I kinda love you.” He swallowed, waiting anxiously for an answer.

Addison put her drink down and smiled.
♠ ♠ ♠
Cliff hanger.
Be afraid.