Wishes Do Come True Emily...

June 16,2011

I guided Joe by the hand into the dark forest.
She did'nt know where i was taking her because her eye's were covered with a red bandana.

"Are we there yet?"Joe asked,i looked over my shoulder's at her.She had a bright smile on
her face as if i was throwing her some sort of surprise.But i was'nt,Joe would'nt even know
what hit her,once she's below the earth.
"Nooo,we still have a few mile's to go"I said wary,Joe smile grew wider,and i turned my attention back to the forest before me.
I could almost hear it,rumbling in the distance like a mad hurricane.
And i only had a few more mile's to go before i get there.
Yet to think of it,i almost feel excited over my wicked plan,my plan to see my sister gone for-




I stopped.
Standing at the edge of a cliff,I looked below me.The water crashed agianst the hard rock's
sending up wave's of angry water.
"We're hare"I tell Joe,she reaches up to take the bandana of,but i stopped her.
"Uh-uh,you have to make me put you in the spot frist"Joe's eye brow's came in a frown.

"O-okay"she half-laughed.
Hurridly i came behind Joe and pushed her to the edge of the cliff.
She was so close her body alomst looked suicidal.
But i was closer,i was so close behind her,i'm kinda surprise my presense did'nt make her
tense or shiver.

"Alright Joe,you could take it of now"I said,Joe reached up over her head and took the bandana off and let it fall to the ground.

My eye's became cold when her smile vanished.
Instantly she turned around and faced me.
"Em,what are you trying to show me?"She asked,I laughed and she looked at me as if i was
"Good bye sister"I said slyly.Joe looked at me confuseingly.
'What are you--"
And i pushed her.
Her scream rumbling threw the forest.
Until i heard a hard thudd.
I looked over the cliff,there,lying agianst the rock's was my sister.
She was lying at the edge of the rock's,whare the water crashed worst.
Blood seeped one of the rocks,but it was being slowly washed away.Along with my sister's
Joe was gone.
She was finally out of my life.
From her sexy body,platium blond hair,bright blue eye's,and her sweet talk.
No longer a jelousy in my life that i have to live with,no longer a threat.
And people won't be looking at her any more as if she was on top of the world.Like she was the only thing that exsist.
And ignoring me as if i was'nt there.
She was gone officially and i could'nt have been more prouder.

With a evil chuckle and dusting my hand's together,i walked away from the cliff.
♠ ♠ ♠
Emily's a wicked son of bitch is'nt she!!
Well,any way's comment's would be kindly appriciated!