Fallen Love

Trip Down Memory Lane

I dont remember must from the hospital. I was to shocked by everything. I must have fallen asleep in the hospital as I faintly remember waking up for a moment in Shemar's arms as he carried me up my stairs to my bedroom.

* * *

I woke up the next morning to Shemar sitting on my windowsill watching me.
'Morning sleepy head.' He smiled
I rose into a sitting position catching my reflection in my mirror.
'Stay. I'll be right back.'
I ran into the bathroom to de-tangle my birds nest for hair. After making myself somewhat decent I returned to my room. Shemar had his back to me look at something from my bookshelf. He had one of mine and Issys scrapbooks in his hands. At times like this I deeply missed Issy. I cleared my throat to draw Shemars attention back.
'Enjoying yourself?' I smiled walking over to him.
'Sorry.' He shyly. 'I was curious. Who are these?' He asked pointing to a page dedicated to my close friends.
'They um.' I could feel the lump rising in my throat again and my eyes started tearing. 'They are my best friends. We were all in a band. Silly really but we were quite good. We did a few gigs.'
'Oh?' He said raising an eyebrow inquisitively.
'Yeah. I was lead vocal and guitar.' I sighed. 'I really miss them.'
'Tell me about them?'
Issy walked over to me in the library.
'How did you know I'd be here?' I asked my best friend turning my gaze from the window for a split second to greet her.
'Rhi, no offence hun but I aint your bezzie for nothing. Besides it's where you came last time. How many does it make it now?' She asked taking a seat in front of me.
'Four. And she still forgives him! He gave her a black eye again last night. It makes me sick.'
She wrapped her arms around me in comfort. She always knows what to do and say.
Dave one of my best friends sat down at the lunch table. He was tall with a deep gravely voice, deep blue eyes and short brown hair. He was insanely attractive but full out gay which he wasnt ashamed to hide especially when Mikey his boyfriend and our other best friend was around.
'I have a plan!' /he burst out excitedly.
'We have a plan.' Mikey corrected in his feminine voice.
'We are going to start a band.'
'All of us.'
'With you Rhi as lead singer and guitarist!.' The finished together happily.
'Thats brill. Do I get a say?' I asked hating the idea.
'Of course.' Dave replyed cautiously
'I cant sing. I cant play and what songs would we cover?'
'Thats easy! We'd cover band like Paramore and Nickelback and yes you can sing and play you just get nervous! You'll be fine.'

They all seemed to like the idea and all agreed with Dave that I should lead.
Well this would be........Fun?
'Mamgu sut wyt ti? Dwi wedi gweld chi yn oed!'
'Rhi....I cant speak welsh! Translation.' Issy asked somewhat confused.
'It's alright bach. She asked how I was as she hasnt seen me in ages. Rhianedd you saw me last Saturday pet.'
'Ah yes but it seems longer!' I smiled hugging my grandma tightly.
'Well pet I'm fine. Who's your friend?'
'This is Issy. She staying over for the weekend.' I'm smiled gesturing towards Issy to come forward.
'Well bach is Issy sort for something?'
'Isobelle. But everyone calls me Issy.' She replied shyly. Which was quite out of character for Issy.
I loved my gran. She loved everyone and never judged anyone. Apart from my dad. She always hated him. Always thought her daughter could have done better. She would always urge my mum to leave my dad whenever she saw a bruise on her. She idolised my mother. We were all she had left.


'Rhi?' Shemars voice broke through my absent mind. 'Rhi your crying. Whats wrong?!'
'I miss mamgu!' I sobbed
'Your what sorry?' Shemar asked rather confused.
'My gran. I was just.....remembering....I miss everyone! I just want to see them again!' I sobbed. 'I need to ring mamgu. Tell her about mum!'
With that I rushed down stairs to the phone.
'Mamgu? Its Rhianedd.'
'Ydw i'n iawn. Sut ydych chi? '
'Nid Mam yn shes dda yn yr ysbyty. Dyna pam rwy'n galw. '
'Roedd yn Tad. Mae'n dod o hyd i ni. '
'Dim ei fod yn wahanol y tro hwn. Mae'n taro fi hefyd. '
'Dim dont.'
'OK eich gweld chi Dydd Llun.'
'Caru chi hefyd.'
Shemar raised one eyebrow inquisitively
'Your fluent in Welsh?' He asked impressed.
'Yep. More importantly mamgu is coming monday.'
♠ ♠ ♠
Conversation translation:

'Yes I'm OK. How are you?'
'Mam is not good shes in the hospital. Thats why I'm calling.'
'It was dad. He found us.'
'No he's different this time. He hit me too.'
'No dont.'
'OK see you monday.'
'Love you too.'

Sorry it took so long to update but I have been doing exam but I finished them now so more updates soon hopefully :D comment and let me know what you think xx