Fallen Love

The Visit

I was woken up at six o'clock sunday morning. Reluctantly, shuffling my way down stairs to the door cursing who ever stood on the other side of the door. As I entered the living room I noticed a lumpy thing on the sofa before realising that Shemar had stayed again. Smiling to myself I opened the door to see an elderly woman with about seven bag packed to the brim either side of her. She stood there with a wide grin, arms outstretched for a hug.

'Mamgu! I thought you were coming tomorrow.' I said gleefully, hugging my gran.
'I was pet but the I decided why wait.' She smiled hugging my tightly.
By this time Shemar had woken and come to investigate what was going on. To my surprise my gran was quite understanding about him staying over. She then made him carry all seven bags upstairs. Shemar left not long after that mumbling about not getting in the way.
'He seems nice.' said gran trying to find out more.
'He is. He is an amazing friend. I dont know what I would have done without him here.'
'Hmm.' She nodded deep in thought. 'How is your mum darling?'
'I dont know I havent been up today. Last time I saw her she was on a life....life support machine.' I chocked the last three words 'I'm sorry I didnt call you mamgu. But I was in shock. I wasnt thinking properly.'
'Hey now thats quite alright. How about we go visit her after lunch? Put our minds at ease a little.


What greeted me on the intensive care unit sickened me. My mum lay there motionless hooked up to all kinds of machines. She had a central line coming from her neck. The doctor said something about making it easier to take blood to run tests. She had a tube down her throat which hooked her to the life support machine. Her face was all bruised from where my father had beaten her. She looked so pitiful it made my stomach churn. My mum had been so strong even when he hit her she looked brave. Now she was weak and fragile looking. Gran, trying to be strong for me turned her head to wipe away her tears. I didnt hear half the stuff the doctors were saying just some words I picked up like induced coma and very deep stab wound. I couldnt believe someone who I loved who claimed to love me and my mum more than anything could hurt us both so badly. I would have loved to know what went on that sick twisted mind of his. But then again it would probably make me sick.
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Right sorry it was so long since my last update forgive me????
Would you guy please check out my new story I have posted up called Broken Hearted it has no readers yet ): thanks xx