Fallen Love


I curled up into a ball in my bed, hugging myself, trying to hold myself together. I tried muffling my sobs with my pillow. The event of the pass couple of days flooded over me like a tidal wave, bringing all my hidden emotion with it. It all suddenly crashed down on me, everything that had happened. How I could easily lose my mum because of that asshole.


I woke the next morning to find I had slept late. So late in fact that I was two and a half hours late for school.
'Oh your up.' Gran said looking over her magazine.
'Up?! I was meant to be at school ages ago! Why didnt you wake me?'
'The school phoned. Said not to come back until your ready. And your little friend stopped by. She was very understanding about it all. Said to give her a text later and the hospital also phoned. They are operating today so we are going down to visit then wait until she comes out of surgery. That is if you want to bach.'
My legs suddenly turned to lead. They felt so heavy I could hardly walk. Surgery. Today. No school. Nothing to preoccupied myself with. I felt like bursting into tears.


Even though I was stood at my mum side, holding her hand, I felt as though I wasnt there at all. It had all happened so fast it felt unreal. Within ten minutes the doctors came to take her away.
'What's the umm...chances?' I asked my voice filled with all the unshed tears.
'Its a risky procedure the chances of nipping a central artery...'
'In terms I understand?' I cut in.
'Its easy to nip something and causing her to bleed internally so I would guess about 50/50 maybe 60/40 but dont worry shes young and healthy. Luck is on her side.' He smiled before leading me down to the waiting area.
Each second felt like a minute. Each minute an hour. Each hour a day. After two very long hours of staring at the clock I went outside for fresh air and to clear my mind. Turning my phone on to check for messages. There were three texts messages and one missed call:

Hey Rhi the town is full of talk that your dad attacked your mum! If true OMG! You alright gimme a text when you get this
Issy x<3x

Hey your nan told me that your mums in hospital. Hope shes better soon
Han x

And then the one I least expected:

Rhianedd, Where are you your not at school or home. If that bastard has come back I swear I will kill him. Ring me A.S.A.P or I wont leave you alone til I know your safe.
S xxx

At that moment my phone rang.
'Rhianedd! Wear are you? Are you hurt?' rang Shemars very worried voice
'I'm fine...well not fine but I'm at the hospital.'
'Is everything ok? Are you...Are you crying?'
'Umm no and nearly...where are you?'
'I can be there in ten minutes. If you want?'
'Please.' And with that I let my emotions take over me and broke down crying.


'Rhianedd?' came the familiar voice. 'Hey there you are, Rhi are you crying?'
I felt his arms wrap around my waits pulling me to my feet, encircling me in his arms. He just held me while I sobbed into his chest.
'I-I-I'm s-s-sorry b-b-bout this.' I sobbed uncontrollably into his chest.
'Hey shh...I dont mind.' He said hugging me tighly.
'Y-Y-You sh-sh-shouldnt have t-to put up wi-with this-s-s.'
'I'm your mate. This is what I'm here for. Any time.'

We stayed like this for about ten minutes before I was able to calm down and talk properly.
'How do you feel now?' He asked leaning back to look at me properly.
'Stupid. Cant believe I just did that! I'm so sorry.' I said wiping
'Hey it doesnt matter. Lets go find your gran.' He smiled wiping away a tear I missed before linking his hand with mine.


'Rhianedd! Where have you been! I've been worried sick...oh hello.' came my grans voice as I walked back to the waiting room.
'Yeah umm Shemat came to see how mum is. He umm help when dad came...'
'Oh well yes. Thank you.'

With that he doctor entered the waiting room.
'She's fine but lost a lot of blood. We will be keeping a close eye on her over night. She's back on ICU when your ready to see her.
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so yeah thank for all the comment and subscribers
means alot xx