Fallen Love

Santana's Lover

Rhianedd wake up your going to be late!’ my mum bellowed ‘your friend will be here in a minute!’
What? How can that be! I slept through my alarm dreaming about Shemar. Great that was all I need!
I rush into the bathroom to get washed and dressed and took the stair two-by-two until I reached the passage. Grabbing hold of the bottom of the banister I swung round into the kitchen to grab a granola bar for breakfast and a glass of water. I shovelled the granola bar in and washed it down with the water. I hated being in a rush I always felt as if I was forgetting something important. I checked my watch and Hannah would be here any minutes. I didn’t have enough time to check. With that the door knocked. It was Hannah. I grabbed my bag and put the nagging thought to the back of my head. As we started walking up I started realising how steep it actually was. By the time we were half way I was panting for breath.
‘You’ll get used to it after a while. Its not that far now’ she said with a smile and breathing normally whilst I was there panting. It was embarrassing how unfit I was.
We arrived at school just in time for tutorial. I couldn’t wait for first lesson. It was RE. I had always loves my RE lessons…saying that I did love my English lessons and that had all changed within twenty minutes. I walked gingerly towards the class dreading what was install for me within the classroom. I knocked thrice then enters slowly. The room was rather large considering the little corner it was at. The tables were set into groups of four and six.
‘Hello. You must be Rhianedd yes? I’m Mrs Powell.’ she said grinning at me. She was a tall, thin lady. Looked to be in her late forties. She had bright green eyes, short auburn hair and a slight over bite, hardly noticeable apart from the slight lisp it gave her when she spoke. She had a skin tight T-shirt with a long skin tight green cardigan, black pencil skirt with two inch heels. She seemed like a lovely person in general.
’Well Rhianedd. If you would like to sit over there with Rachael I will get a book for you’ she gave me a final smile before dashing into her store cupboard. Up until that point I hadn’t notice Rachael sitting at the back. I dodged my way through the groups of tables and bags laid out like a booby-trap. It was like an obstacle course just to get to the seat. On the table with Rachael was another girl. She had brown curly hair and crystal clear blue eyes. Next to the girl sat a coloured boy. The boy had chestnut coloured eyes and the clearest darkest of skins that took my breathe away.
‘Hey. I’m Morgan. This is Emily’ they both smiled up at me as I took my seat. Before I could answer the teacher was back with my exercise book and she began to teach.
On the table next to us was another group of four. One stood out in particular. She was stall and slim but not thin. Long brown hair with blonde highlights and light brown eyes. She had an olive tone to her skin and looked at everyone like she was their superior. Even the people on her table acted like they were honoured to be sat with her.
‘Right the buzzer is about to go everyone so I’ll see you third period’ Said Mrs Powell as she dismissed the class.
I arrived out side history exactly the same time as Hannah. I took my seat at the back of the class but I was surprised to see Shemar wasn’t there. I hadn’t missed him already had I? Why should I even care I only met him yesterday for all of fifteen minutes. Its not as if we were friend. After about ten minutes of the lesson the chair next to me was pulled out and Shemar slid into his seat.
‘Hey hows you today?’
‘Umm trying to do my work which is more than can be said for some hey’ I retorted with a cheeky grin.
’Funny one aint you. What you doing on the weekend?’
‘You are now. Pick you up at ten? And before you use the lame excuse that you hardly know me there is still plenty of time during this week’ he smiled.
How could I possibly say no. I couldn’t even think of an excuse.
‘Make it ten thirty’
For the rest of the lesson we sat in silence. Although whilst I was copying off the board he sat there and watched me. To anyone else it would be creepy but to me it seemed cute. We walked out together when the buzzer went. We walked over to one of the wooden benches and sat.
‘So why did you move here?’
‘My er..My dad left for another women. Mum thought it best for a fresh start away from all the stares and whisperers’ I sighed.
‘ Do you talk to him much on the phone?’
‘No he doesn’t want anything to do with me. But I miss him you know? He’s always been there. But hey it was his decision not mine. Anyway why am I telling you all this? I hardly know you!’
‘Isn’t that how people get to know each other? By talking and questioning each other?’
And that’s how it went all break. Him questioning and me answering. Seemed quite unfair considering he never opened up to anyone. The buzzer went for third lesson and I couldn’t wait seeing as I had RE again. As I turned to leave the bench where Shemar still sat I could help but wonder where break had gone.
‘See you later sweet-cheeks’ he called as he turned and left the quad.
I turned around with my mouth gapping in surprise. It seemed that I wasn’t the only one shocked by his parting comment. Everyone in hearing distance stood staring at me. I blush and carried on my way to RE. Just as I was about to enter the class a hand grabbed the strap to my satchel. And dragged me backward into a corner. It was the queen bee who sat on the table next to me.
‘Hey! Listen up yeah as I’m only saying this once. Leave Shemar alone. He’s mine got it? Keep your distance.’
She then stormed into the class leaving me to follow behind. I reached my table to meet curious stares from the three already there.
‘What did Santana want with you?’ whispered a curious Morgan
‘Santana? Oh you mean her over there?’ I jerked my head toward the table with the queen bee ‘ She just told me to stay away from Shemar. Something about he’s hers’ or something’
‘Well you cant blame her really can you? Hitting on her boyfriend and all’ said Rachael as if it was obvious
‘Boyfriend?! What do you mean boyfriend?’
‘Didn’t you know? Their going out with each other’
‘Now that’s not fair Em. We don’t know if they are or not. they’ve never admitted it and have never been seen with each other. Its just rumours.’ defend Morgan.
If Santana was going out with Shemar where did that leave me? Knowing what I know now I couldn’t possible go out with Shemar on the week end. I couldn’t believe he would do that I felt so stupid that someone like him would actually like me. Talk about embarrassing . The whole lesson went pass in a daze. My mind was as far away from the classroom as possible. I had to cancel the weekend plans but I really didn’t want to. Fourth lesson passed quickly and as I met up with Hannah Shemar called me over in the canteen.
‘Save me a seat Han, I’ll be back in a minute.’
I walked over ready to cancel the weekend but before I could he started.
‘I was thinking that we could go to the cinema and watch a film? I hear there are a few good ones out.’
‘Er look. Shemar I cant make this weekend. I umm got to help my mum unpack everything. I’m umm I’m sorry’
As I walked off I could tell that in no way was I convincing and that he could tell that I was lying.

I was so glad to get in. I only had a little homework so I decided to have a long soak in the bath to unwind first.
I got out and put on my pyjamas then slowly made my way down the stairs to start on some history homework. That lasted all of fifteen minutes until my mind started to wonder. Maybe Emily had been wrong and Morgan was right. What if I had blown my only chance? If what Hannah said was true and he only let a chosen few in? I would have blown that all because of that horrible plastic Santana. It was too late to worry about it now. So I cwtched up in bed and watched a movie until I fell asleep. Everything would be alright in the morning. I hoped.
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please comment and tell me what you think :)
for anyone who isnt welsh a cwtch is to cuddle and to be wrapped up