Fallen Love

Old Ties

I tried my best to put the letter to the back of my mind. Hannah would be here any moment and I'm not exactly the type of person to open up about my personal life to someone I've know for a couple of days. Well unless you count Shemar.

With that there was a knock at the door.
'Be there now in a minute' I called before turning to my mum. 'Dont worry mum. Seriously. Dad wont be able to do anything. See you at half three roughly. Love you.'
I kissed her on her head and left her with the letter which she must have read eighteen times already. Unthinkingly I grabbed my bag and walked out the door.
'Sorry! I slept late' I said sheepishly
'Your lying.' come a familiar suductive voice.
I froze for a moment as my heart began to beat faster. I spun around so quickly that I almost made myself dizzy.
'Shemar!' I breathed trying to steedy my heart beat.
'Thats the second time you've lied to me, Rhianedd.' he said calmly.
'No more than what you've done' I retored. 'Anyway what makes you think you have the right to know whats happening in my life. I hardly know you!'
'So there is something your hiding from me?'
'I never said that' I exclaimed.
'You didnt have to Rhianedd. Its all over your face. Something has upset you.'
'Humph! What are you doing here anyway?!'
I was quite annoyed. What the hell gave him the right to talk to me about lying. What made him think that I would tell him about my life.
'I thought we could talk about you little performance yesterday.' he continued as calm as ever.
'Urgh! I have to get to school.' I said pushing passed Shemar and storming off down the drive. I rounded the corner to bump into Hannah.
'I'm so sorry Rhi! I woke up late and was in a rush....and is that Shemar making his way down your drive!'
'Unfortunately it is. Can we move please. I rather that he didnt tag along with us' I pleaded.
with that we got a move on and walked the rest of the way in silence.

The four of us sat in silence in RE. Morgan looked as if he was itching to tell me something but judging by the look on my face he decided against it.
After RE Morgan walked with me out to the quad where we sat in silence for a bit.
'Is there something wrong Rhi? You just dont seem yourself today.' he asked cautiously
'I feel stupid' which I did. I felt stupid at how I over reacted with Shemar this morning but I wasnt going to admit that to Morgan.
'May I ask why?'
'That whole stupid thing yesterday with Santana! She is such a bitch. I wasnt even after her man!'
Well it was the truth. Kinda. I did feel stupid over it.
'Dont worry about Santana. Shes the queen of bitches. She'll soon lose intress'
After giving me a one armed hug he then went on to remind me the i had history next and therefore be sat by none other than Shemar. Great! I hoped against all hope that he wouldnt turn up to history today but how wrong could I be. There he sat, just as I entered the class he looked up and made eye contact. A hot sensation rose in my cheeks informing me that my cheeks now looked like a tomatos. This got a grin from Shemar which deepend my frawn. I sulked to my seat throwing my bag to the floor and slupming into my chair. Guranted it was a bit childish but after this morning got the day of to a crap start.
'I see your still acting like a three year old' he chuckled, then seriously ' Look, I'm sorry if I've offended you in some way but I dont know what I've done. Can we sort this out? Please?'
'Never said that you had done something' I said in a some what detached tone.
'So why did you cancel Saturday and dont use the same excuse as your crap at lying.'
'I just got the impression that your girlfriend didnt approve' I said emphasising the word girlfriend.
'My what sorry?' he said with a slightly puzzled tone.
'Santana warned me' I tried my best not to sound too hopeful but I think he could tell. Then to my astonishment he burst out laughing.
'Whats so funny?' I demanded
'Santana is definately NOT my girlfriend. I perfer real girls to fake plastic whores' He laughed again.
'Oh' I was a little taken aback by that statement.
'So....Saturday?' He asked when he finished laughing.
'Will be spent doing a history project' came Mrs James voice. 'You will however be working with the person sat next to you'
There was an audiable chours of groans around the class apart from Me and Shemar who looked at each other and smiled.
'So sweet cheeks no getting out of Saturday' He said winking at me. I just smiled. I would have to spend time with him now and Santana couldnt stop me.
'So your place is it?' He asked removing my smile at once. Mum. How would she feel me bringing home Shemar with everything as it is?
'Er...I think I should check with my mum first.'
'Ok' with that he grabbed my phone and began punching in numbers and then the green phone.
'Hey! What do you think your doing?!'
'Well. You have my number and I yours so you can text me tonight and let me know.'
With that the buzzer went. English went by in a flash. I didnt pay much attention to Mrs Jones my mind was on other things. Me, Hannah, Rachael and Quinn walked down for lunch. Once we had grabbed a table we sat down and started talking about the weekend.
'We should go to Cardiff!' Rachael said rather excitedly. 'I really need to go shopping!'
'Cant sorry! Me and Rhi have a history projectand its going to take a while' sighed Hannah.
'Cant you guys start it when you get back?' offered Quinn.
'No. We arent partners and Ben is coming over at about twelve' Hannah blushed. With that Morgan and Emily come and sat by us.
'So. How was history with Shemar'
The words just tumbled out of Morgans mouth. Both Quinn and Rachaels heads spun round to face me, mouths gapping.
'Shemar!' exclaimed Quinn, 'Shemar is your history partner? Why did you say?!'
'Yeah Rhi. Thats big!' Rachael chipped in.
'I thought nothing of it' I offered knowing it wouldnt stop any time soon.
Sorry mouthed Morgan realising that he had started a huge gossip session.
While Quinn and Rachael talked through different things that could happen my phone buzzed. It was Shemar
hey sweet cheeks, see our partnership has started the gossips talking ;) see you saturday xx
I could feel the smile sweep across my face.
'Who's that?' demanded Quinn
Before I had time to react Rachael was on her feet and had my phone in her hands.
'Its from Shemar!' She squeeled ' He put two xx and called you sweet cheeks! He likes you.'
This started of another round of silly giggles and talks as she passed my phone back to me.

'Reading that text again?' Enquired Hannah.
'Hmm?' I murmerd looking up from my phone.
'All the way down you've been reading that text from Shemar.'
'Oh shh'
'Its true!'
'It's also true that you blush every time someone mentions Ben.'
'Is not!' she said defesively but even she couldnt stop the blood from rushing to her cheeks. 'Anyway nothing is ever going to happen between us apart from being friends' with that her smile faultered.
'Hey you never know. This project might just push things in the right direction' I offered which restored her smile.

I was glad to arrive home. I needed to see that my mum was alright.
'Rhianedd! Is that you?' She bellowed from upstaris. Well she sounded ok.
'Yeah mum its me.'
'Ah Rhi. My boss has a conference that she wants me to go to. I'll be back on sunday though.'
'Where is it?'
'In Llan-Whats you call it. The really long place in Anglesey?'
'Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch. And thats hours away!'
'I know baby. I'm sorry but i got the internet up and running so you can go on facebook and stuff. I'm so sorry I have to leave now.' With a kiss to my forehead she left with a holdal.
I was dreading going on facebook. All my old friends would pop up saying how much they miss me and it would just made me upset. But it had to be done. I logged on to find 89 notifications, 18 private mails and 16 friend requests. Of course I had friend requests from Hannah, Quinn, Rachael, Emily and Morgan, but the rest I didnt know the rest. It was as if everyone decided to add the new girl. Then I saw it. A friend request from Santana. Why had she added me? I didnt even like her.
I then went to my notifications. they were mainly messages of goodbyes and we miss you. One stuck out more than the others. From Issy.

Oi get your ass online and check your mail! or have you forgotten about your best friend already. xx

When I clicked on my mail all bar one was from Issy. That one was from my useless , good for nothing, limped dicked father. Reading through Issy's privater mail brought a tear to my eye. We had after all been best friends since we were eighteen months old.

Rhianedd, I've known you all my life. I remember the day you told me you were leaving. I went home and cried. I miss you so much! We never went a day without seeing and speaking to each other. I know you'll make new friends and possible a new best friend but you'll always be my best friend. Maybe I could come stay with you sometime or you with me like old times. It just doesnt feel right you not sat next to me giggling with me. How is you new school anyway? I want to hear all about it! Love Issy xx

A lump rose in my throat as tears trickled their way down my cheeks. She was my best friend and she thought I would replace her! Never

Issy. How DARE you think I could ever replace you! Your on in a million. Only you could make me laugh at inapproiate situation. I miss you too! Schools ok. The school uniform sucks though! And definatly you can come down when ever you want. You know how much my mum loves you! You have my number text me whenever you want. Hows Dave and everyone? I miss you all! BTW my dads been in touch! Love Rhi <3 xx

Within minutes she popped up on live chat. Typical Issy.

About time you got online! BTW you made me cry reading that mail and I'm watching out favourite film which also makes me cry! Your horrible. Love you really.

Sorry it took a while to get the internet working. Aww I love you too!

We talked for hours about silly things but yet they were important too. Going over memories we had. Laughing and crying together. It must have been three in the morning before I went to bed with a smile plastered on my face and with tears running down my face.
♠ ♠ ♠
Right llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch is a real place if you dont trust me http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Llanfairpwllgwyngyll check it out xD
I think this chapter is a big long but I dont know :S
comment and tell me what you think. xx