Fallen Love

A Rude Awakening

I was abruptly woken from my sleep by a very impatient person knocking on my door. Then it dawned on me that mum had said some of our things had been delayed on the move. I hopped out of bed and rushed down stairs to sign for the parcels.
'Shemar?' At first puzzled then realisation. 'Shit! I forgot to text you.'
'That you did. And by the looks of things you forgot I was coming round too.' He said whilst eyeing my up and down.
'Yeah I was up all night a....well I was up all night.'
'Well you go and get dressed and I'll make you some breakfast.' He grinned.

That sounded like a plan to me. I ran up the stairs pulled on my black skinnies and a plan white tee. I took the stairs two at a time on my way back down. It was about half down the stairs when the smell of bacon wafted its way up to me. Up until that point I hadnt realised how hungry I was.

'Hows bacon sarnies take your fancy?' He said offering my a plate to me.
'Thank you so much!'
'No problem sweet cheeks.' He winked.
'Why do you call me sweet cheeks?' I asked after a couple of bites. 'Not that I mind.'
'Because when you smile you have the sweetest smile that brings dimples to you cheeks. It was one of the first things I noticed about you.' He answered matter of factly while watching me eat which was kinda off putting my sweet at the same time..

'Right. I'll wash up while you get the history stuff together. All mine is in the avenged folder under the coffee table.'

When I entered the living room Shemar was sat crossed legged looking over a few sheets of paper. At first I thought it was history papers but as I drew near I saw some of my drawings.
'These are really good. Did you take art?'
'Yeah I did. And their alright I have better ones up stairs in my art folder. So what are we doing for history. Public Health or Improvement in Medical Knowledge?'
'Public Health. Its my strong point.' He smiled as if there was a secret joke to it.
'So if I start on Octavia Hill and you on Dr John Snow?' I offered much to his distaste.
'I much rather watch TV or something.' He complained while moving some paper around knocking one from the table, fluttering to the floor. Shemar picked the sheet up, flipping it over to read. To my horror I reconised my fathers handwriting realising my mum hadnt put it away. Knowing what he was reading I froze in my place, mouth wide.
I saw his eyes widen as he read further. When he had finished he looked at me with shock evident on his face.

'Rhianedd.' He said looking between me and the letter.
'Are you thirsty? I'm going to get some coke. Want some?' I said rising and walking towards the kitchen where he followed me to the fridge.
'Rhi. What the hell is that letter about?!'
'Its nothing. Pass those glasses from the draining board please.'
He grabbed me by the shoulders and spun me around to face him. As I looked away he gently moved my head making me look him in the eyes and held me there by my chin.
'Rhi please. You cant pretend that I havent seen that letter. Its clearly upsetting you. Is Steve your dad? Why is he threatening your mum?!'
'Can we sit down? Please I'll explain everything I promise.'
Too which he just nodded.