Fallen Love

A Different Kind Of History

'You can tell anyone mind. You promise?'
'Of course. I wont tell a soul.'
'Yes, Steve is my father. The whole reason why we moved here was because he had another affair but had left with her this time. It hurt mum every time she found out about one of his affairs as they were childhood sweethearts. He's very good at winning her over though. Using emotional blackmail really. Turning it all back on her. Like it was her fault he was unfaithful. But she used to take it like a good wife is supposed to in my fathers eyes. He'd even hit her and she would just stand proud and worshiped him.
'But this time it was different. She didnt even cry over him. He had hurt her too many times. It was like it was her opportunity to run and she did. My nan cried for ages. We are all she had left. But she realised it was for the best all round. And my friend Issy...well you've never seen a girl cry so much.
'That letter arrived yesterday. He wants us back. He's trying to turn it on my mum again. And if we dont go back he'll most likely come here looking for us.'
'But the threats. What has he got on your mum?' He asked still puzzled.
'She um...She used to be depressed. When she was a teenager that is. She fine now. Her dad died when she was thirteen and her brother committed suicide when she was fourteen. She would self-harm to make her self feel better. Of course she told him all about it he being her husband and all. An he uses it against her like a stick to beat her with.'

With that the tears began to over flow. I tried my best to wipe them away before Shemar noticed them but I failed. He pulled his seat closer to mine and wrapped me up in his arms.
'I wont let anyone take you away. I promise.' He said quietly, then gently kissing the top of my head he pulled me tighter to his chest. Where I began to feel safe and secure.
♠ ♠ ♠
OK I know its a small chapter but I thought any more in this it would spoil it as its kind of a sweet/cute-ish ending.