Fallen Love

Stranger In The Dark

Reluctently, I pulled out of the hug, drying my eyes on the back of my hand.
'What must you think of me. Crying on you like that. And there is a massive tear patch on your shirt! I'm so sorry.'
'You have nothing to feel sorry for. It's not good you keeping it all to yourself.'
He put his hand nuder my chin lifting my face to look at his. Then slowly as if daring me to object he lowered his face to mine maintaining eye contact. Then my eye flickered between his sudctive stare to his perfectly formed mouth. There must have an inch between our lips meeting when a brick came smashing through the living room window causing us both to jump apart.

I went rushing through to view the damage Shemar hot on my heels.
'Who the hell was that?!' He shouted from the doorway. 'Who ever it was has gone.' He said returning to my side.
'Should I call the police?' My voice come trembling with fear.
Shemar wrapped his arms around me again in comfort. 'I'll ring the police. You call your mum.' With that he realesed me from his firm hold and called the police. All I managed to get was my mums answer phone.

'Hey mum. Dont worry but someone has smashed the window. The police are on their way and I have a friend here with my. I'm ok. Love you.'
'The police will be here in about half an hour.'

The police were about as helpful as a chocolate teapot. As we didnt see who threw the brick there is nothing they could do.
'Are you going to be alright on your own or...' He trailed off but it was clear what he was offering.
'You can stay if you want.....I could make up the sofa considering how late it is?' I offered feeling the blood rushing to my cheeks.
'If its not too much bother.' He smiled which set me off smiling. I trudged up to the airing cupboard to fetch a spare quilt and pillows. When I had returned Shemar had unbuttined his shirt revealing his perfectly formed body.

'Er...heres your umm...beding.' I mumbled. Damn his body was distracting. 'I'm er...I'm going to bed...so umm...see you in the morning.' I muttered meakly desperatly keeping mu eues away from his body and onto his face.
'Thanks for letting me stay.' He said whilst moving his hands to his belt signaling to me that it was time to go.

I lay awake half the night wondering. What if the window hadnt been smashed? Would Shemar be lying down stairs or be in his own bed? I wondered what kissing him would have been like. I had always been innocent in relationships. The only kiss I would get would be on the cheek. When I eventually dropped of the sleep I revisited the scene. But this time we kissed. Yet deep down I knew it would never happen again.

I crept down stairs in the morning so I wouldnt wake Shemar up. As I entered the living room to continue into the kitchen my eye caught Shemars semi naked body on the sofa.
I turned to go into the kitchen where I froze to the spot. There was a shadowed fugyre walking towards me. As they walked into the light I heaved a sigh of relief to see my mum standing with a coffee in her hand.
'Mum what are you doing here. I didnt expect you until tonight.'
'Hmm. I can tell.' She said persing her lips and looking in Shemars direction. 'I picked up your voicemail and came home as soon as I could.'
'Mum he's only here because it was too late for him to go home.'
'You let a boy stay here over night without asking me!' She hissed. 'You didnt even tell me he was coming around!'
'I forgot! And anyway we were doing history work its not as if we did anything! He slept downstairs!'
'Thats not the point! What will the neighbours say! Are you trying to give your father ammonition against me?' She exclaimed.
'I'm not going throught this with him in the next room! This can wait.'

I knelt down beside Shemar to wake him up/
'Umm.' He groaned grogerly.
'Hey wake up. My mums back.'
He shot up knocking the remaining quilt to the floor leaving him sat there in his boxers.
'Yes. And I would appreciate it if you got dressed please. I dont want semi naked men in my living room.' Mum chipped in.
He pulled on his jeans and grabbed his shirt. My mum could barely keep her eyes off his body.
'I'll make you a coffee.' I said leaving him to wake up fully.
♠ ♠ ♠
the power of justice
Thanks to you guys ^^ for reading and commenting

Mei; Again
And this^^ is the amazing person who did the superb layout for me
sorry I didnt update yesterday I've been soo busy with my exams :S
Thank you all!! keep reading :3