Fallen Love

A Good Beating

'Thank you for letting me stay the night.' He said as he left the house. Then pausing in the door way he dropped his voice slightly 'I hope I havent got you in trouble with your mum.'
'Ah no problem and nah she's fine. See you tomorrow.'
With that he bent down and gave me a peck on the cheek before turning on his heels and leaving. Looking back once smiling at my slightly pinky cheeks.

'Rhianedd! Get back in here now!' came my mum voice which sounded quite strange compared to normal. My phone buzzed with a text from Shemar. I only managed to open the message when my mum called again.
I put my phone in my pocket and walked back to the living room. As I entered the living room I found my mum sat on the sofa with my dad stood behind her with a knife. At this point I wrapped my hand firmly around my phone working out different plans.

'Hello Rhianedd. It's been a long time.' Came my fathers emotionless voice.
'And whos fault is that then dad? You left remember!'
'But you slut of a mother took you away! She had no right.'
'You left with Jodie! You left mum on her own!'
'I sent a letter-'
'Yes I read it.' I said bitterly cutting him off. 'And you think threatening her would bring her back? Us back?'
'Shes turning you into her!' He spat. 'Necking and sleeping with boys. At home with out supervision!'
'I havent kissed or slept with anyone and I'm sixteen I loud to be home alone!'
By this time he had walked closer to me. Still clutching the knife.
'Dont lie to me Rhianedd! I saw you!' He bellowed.
'You! You smashed the window!'
And then with a force to knock me to the ground, he backhanded me across the face.
'Get upstairs. Pack your things. We're going home.' He ordered.
I clambered to my feet and rushed upstairs. Once in the sanctity of my room I pressed the green phone.
'Rhianedd?' came Shemars voice.
'I dont have time to explain. My dad is here and is trying to take me back with him. He's got a knife. I need you to call the police and ambulance.'
'OK . But listen to me! Stay in you room, Hide in your wardrobe until I come get you. I'm on my way.'
Then the line went dead. I did exactly what he said. The whole left side of my face had gone numb. Then then worst sound ever reached my ears. My mum begging my dad to stop. Then it was quiet. Mums tearfilled begs had stopped and I felt sick. The silence was quickly filled with sirens.

Then footsteps in my room. I closed my eyes trying to shrink into the corner.
'Rhianedd. Its ok now your safe.' Came Shemars soothing voice as he wrapped his arms around me and carried me out of my wardrobe.
'I was so scared.' I sobbed.
'Shh. Its ok.' He sat on my bed with me on his lap, rocking me to calm me down. The feeling had returned to my face and it began to smart.
'He hit me! He never hit me but he did.'
'He What?' said Shemar rather angerly.
'And my mum! crap I need to see her!'
As I tried to stand and leave Shemar tightened his grip on me.
'Rhianedd...Your mum is with the paramedics. Shes in a bad way. He beat her until she was unconscious. Shes gone to the hospital.'
I just went blank. Why was this happening now! He had never done something like this before.
'My dad...'
'He ran out the back door when he heard the sirens.'
I lay my head on Shemars chest and broke down crying.
'Rhi...I know this is a lot for you to take in but we really need to go downstairs. The police will want to talk to you and then I'll take you to the hospital to see your mum.'
The last thing I wanted was to talk to the police. I wanted to go see my mum. But this was the only obstacle in my way. It was the one thing I had to do before going to see my mum.
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Thanks for all the comments xD