Fallen Love

The Statement

'Ah you must be Mrs.Williams daughter.' Came the Inspectors nasally voice.' Your boyfriend said you called him when the attack was taking place?'
'Yes I am and yes I did.'
'Sorry?' I asked a little confused.
'Why did you call him instead of the police?'
'Because...I dont know I had a text open of his so...I just called him.'
'Hmm. And yet you got away from your father leaving your mother behind to get beaten.'
'Are you saying its my fault the my mums in hospital?!' I asked in disbelief.
'Not at all. Just wondering how it was that you got away and your mother was left with your father.'
'My father told me to get upstairs and pack as I would be going back with him.'
'And while upstairs you phoned him?' He asked point at Shemar.
'And you didnt think that anything would happen to your mother while left alone with your father?'
'Of course! He has a fucking knife! But the only way I could help my mum was to get somewhere where I could phone someone for help. Who is now currently lying in hospital which is where I would like to be. So if you dont mind I would like to be with her.'
'One more thing Miss. I will be back. Theres something your hiding from me and I will find out what it is.'
Then he left.

'Why didnt you tell him about the letter?' Shemar asked like it was obvious.
'Because its none of his business! He practical blamed me for my mum being in hospital!' I burst out.
'Speaking of your mum lets get you to the hospital.'
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey please comment and let me know what you think bad or good xD
sorry this is kind of a filler chapter