Cheated in Love

The Happy Beginning

Walking into the school, my boyfriend at my side I felt invincible, and so utterly happy. Duncan had just asked me to the Winter Ball and I felt on top of the world! I turned and smiled up at Duncan: dark curly hair, electric green eyes, full lips, and about a foot taller than me. I loved all of him, he was The One. I just knew it. We were so compatible and happy together. I felt like our relationship would last forever.

"Mannie!" I turned around to the voice of my best friend, Kristie, light blond hair, and dark brown eyes, she was gorgeous. I released Duncan's hand, reluctantly, and hugged Kristie.

"Hey C.K! How was dress shopping with your mom?" Kristie pulled a face,

"It could've been better...she kept picking these...UTTERLY DISGUSTING PUKE GREEN DRESSES..." She shuddered, then smiled.

"Never mind me, how was Ashley's party?" Me and Duncan gave eachother small grins, we hadn't gone to the party like we promised. It was just a ruse to get out of the house. We actually hung out at a cafe all of Saturday, talking and just enjoying eachother's company.

"It was okay. Lot's of pot was suffocating!" This was true, we HAD stopped by for a while but once we smelt the pot we left.

"Really? Didn't know Ashley was into that..." Kristie furrowed her eyebrows.

"It's actually her older brother, he brought along a lot of his stoner friends." Kristie's forehead smoothed and she smiled in understanding.

"Mannie, we're gonna be late to class...I mean, I'd love to just talk with you all day but I'm in danger of failing Bio..." Duncan grabbed my waist and pulled me to him so his head was resting on the top of mine. I sighed in content,

"Mmmmm....Ok. Bye C.K, love you!" I drammatically kissed both of Krisies cheeks and skipped away with Duncan holding my hand the entire way.
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O.k, since this is based on an almost true story (Adyn didn't ask me to the Winter Ball freshman year, he was too shy) All the characters are based on me and...THEM.
Kristie/C.K (Cutie Kristie)=Kayla
Ashley=Allie (my current best friend)
Maria (Lennie [Dad's name] + Maria =Mannie)=Me