‹ Prequel: Trouble for Me
Sequel: All She Knows
Status: Finished!


I can't wait for this baby to be born

Nicole has been doing good lately. She is like realy pregnant now, today we were going in for her last ultrasound appointment. We were going to find out if the baby was a boy or girl. We were anxious to know. I was really hoping for a boy so he would follow in his dads footsteps and play hockey. Nicole doesn't really care if it's a boy or girl, she is just excited that we are having a kid. The doctor came in and began the ultrasound. "So Nicole, Jon, how are we doing today?" "Good, ready to find out if were having a boy or girl." I looked at Nicole and held her hand, I think she wanted a boy deep down so he could be a hockey player. The doctor
pointed out the baby on the screen and Nicole and I were so happy, we couldn't stop smiling.

"Well are you guys ready to know?" We looked at each other and agreed. The doctor hit a few buttons on the computer and frose the picture and looked very closely. Nicole's grip on my hand was getting tighter, she was getting wrestless. "You guys are going to have a baby boy. Congratulations!" "I get my little hockey player!" Nicole just smiled and luaghed. I leaned down and kissed her forehead. Once our appointment was over we headed to the rink, I had practice and Nicole wanted to come, but I didn't want her there. I wanted her at home resting, but I didn't want to fight with her, especially while she is moody from her pregnancy. She d watched the came and sat with the other girlfriends in the stands and watched the practice. Patrick Sharp's wife was pregnant too. She and Nicole were going to have their babies around the same time. They just had their last ultrasound visit yesterday. I haven't heard yet if they are havign a boy or a girl.

I was sitting with the other girls while watching the practice and they all were asking about the ultrasound visit. "Well why don't Abby and I tell you guys at the same time?" Abby looked at me and shook her head. "Sounds good to me." "Okay girls say it on 3. 1,2,3!" At the same time we both told the girls. "Boy!" "Abby your having a boy?" "Yeah, you too?" "Yeah!" We both were so excited. "We are going to have to put them in the same hockey program." "Or trust me Jon already told me his whole plan for them if they were both boys and both played hockey together." "Sounds just like Jon! So what are you naming him?" "J.B." "J.B? What does that stand for?" All of the girls were confused. "It stands for Jonathan Beau." They all just awed. They thought it was really cute. "And what are you and Patrcik naming your boy?" "Alexander. Patrick feels that it is a great hockey name."

"Well it truly is a great hockey name." "I don't think many hockey players have two initial names so your son might be the first." "Haha, well I was so excited when I heard we were having a boy. I am sure Jon would have been heart broken if he didn't get his little hockey player." "Same with Patrick." "Our boys." "Yes, our boys." We sat and watched the rest of practice. Then had a team lunch at a local restraunt afterwards. Jon and I told the team along with Patrick and Abby. The guys were excited to hear there would hopefully be some future blackhawks. That would be amazing if my son was drafted by the blackhawks. I am sure Jon would love for that to happen. I am really excited for this baby boy, I can't wait till he is born.
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So kind of long, but a filler. She is having a boy!! Jonathan Beau! So maybe some more comments and subscribers? Thanks! Also check out my other stories "Crawl" and "Just a Kiss".