‹ Prequel: Trouble for Me
Sequel: All She Knows
Status: Finished!


I am the luckiest girl in the world

Today J.b was allowed to come home from the hospital. We were excited to get him home and get out of the hospital, well I was at least J.b didn't really show any emotion. Jon put him in his car seat and we were ready to go home. "You ready to take our boy home?" "Yupp, finely!" We both laughed. Jon started the car and we were off. When we got home Jon grabbed all the baby stuff out of the car and the baby. He is such a great dad, I couldn't ask for anyone else. He is taking such good care of our boy, but he is also taking of me at the same time. I unlocked the front door and we walked inside. "Surprise!" The whole team was there with their girlfriends and wives. I was shocked, but Jon knew the guys and girls would be there. "Aw hey you guys, and girls." We all laughed. Jon held up J.B's baby carrier. "Well here is the little guy! Say hi J.B." He was passed out in the carrier, he sleeps a lot. All the guys came up first and looked at him and were saying how he defiantly looks like a blackhawk. how they can tell i don't know, they are guys.

I went over to all the girls who I haven't seen in a while. "Hey girls!" "Hey, Nicole J.B is adorable." "Yeah, we were thinking about who he would look like more." "Well I don't think he looks like me. I am pretty sure he is gonna look just like his dad." We all looked over at Jon and the guys. Jon was sitting on the couch with J.B on his lap wearing a onesie that was a blackhawks theme with 'My daddy is #19' on the front. Jon was holding him and playing with him and making funny faces to get him to laugh. All of us girls laughed. "Nicole, how did you get so lucky?" "Yeah, Jon is like the perfect father." "I know, he hasn't let me do any of the work tanking care of J.B. he only lets me do the easy and fun stuff." "Well that's not bad." "Yeah, but I wanna do some of the work too, I don't want Jon to have to do it every time." "True. So is J.B gonna be a hockey player?" "Of course, do you think Jon would not let him play?" "Oh right. As soon as he can I am sure Jon will put J.B on skates."

"Yeah, trust me he has already told me so many times. I will be right back." i walked over to the couch and took J.B from Jon since the girls wanted to see him. "The girls want to meet our boy." "Okay honey, bye J.B. I love you bud." Jon kissed J.B's little cheek. It was so cute, maybe the girls were right. How did I get so lucky? "Here he is!" All the girls were in love with our little boy. I handed him to Abby and let her hold him and they all started to get really attached. I don't think I will get my son back for a while. "I will let you guys hold on to him for a little bit okay?" "Sounds good with us!" I walked over to Jon and tried to get him away from the guys. I took him into one of the hallways leading to other rooms in the house. "What is it? Everything okay?" He grabbed my hands. "Yeah, everything is fine." "Then what is it?" "I want to let you know that I am officially the luckiest girl in the world to have you helping me with our little baby boy. No one else would do as good as you are doing with him. And I also wanted to tell you that I love you."

Jon looked at me and smiled. "Nicole, I am the luckiest man in the world to have you and J.B in my life. And you know I love you to death." He pulled me in for a hug and kissed me on the lips.We pulled away and I laid my head on his chest. "I am so happy to have you here Jon, you are going to be a great father." He kissed my head. "Thanks hon, you will be an amazing mother." We started to walk back to the living room. "I hope our son is as great a guy as you and one day finds a great girl to start a family with." "Well I sure hope that girl will be a great mother and girlfriend like you." i kissed him on the lips and hugged him, then went back by the girls and J.B. I really am the luckiest girl in the world.
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So kind of an Awwwww chapter. lol. comment, subscribe. Just a few more chapters and this story will be completed. :( But i have some others for you to read as well:
Unfaithful:The Staal boys. (except Eric)
Crawl:Gabriel Landeskog.
Just A Kiss:Steven Stamkos.