‹ Prequel: Trouble for Me
Sequel: All She Knows
Status: Finished!


My sis is back in Edmonton!

I started packing my things as quickly as possible. Luckily, most of my stuff was still in Edmonton. I can't believe I was thinking of moving in with Jonathan. We are both still so young. I can't believe I thought he was "the one." Once I had everything of mine together I went to our, Jon's room. "Anything you wanna say before I leave?" He sat there and shook his head. "I'm serious Jon, I am not coming back."

"I have nothing to say." He shrugged his shoulders. "You know what Jon! You are such a jack ass. To think, I could've have made the biggest mistake in my life wanting to marry you. Really, I should be thanking you. you made that decision all by yourself. So thanks Jon have a good life." I slammed his door then left. I felt better know, like weights were lifted from my shoulders. Weights that had been there for so long, were gone. I got into my car and drove to the airport. I knew exactly where I was going to go once I got to Edmonton. To see my brother.
Once the plane landed I had one of my brothers friends pick me up and take me to my brothers work place. He stopped in the parking lot and was going to take my suitcases to my brothers house for me. I remember walking this path coming to see my brother before games all the time. I went straight for the locker room. Surely Drew would be there. I stood in the door way and knocked to see if my brother would notice. "Eb's I will help you out in a sec." "What if it's Nicky?" He whipped his around from focusing on a guys injured ankle. "Nicole? What are you doing here?" "Things happened in Chicago so I decided to come back." "We can talk later about that. My sis is back in Edmonton!"

Some of the guys who were being attended to by my brother the trainer were checking me out. I don't think girls in short shorts and heels are a popular sight around here. I jumped onto one of the table that the guys sit on when they come in. "Look Nicole, I have to take Cog's in for stitches. Some guys might come in, but you gotta take of em'. You know medical stuff right?" "Yeah, pre-med classes in high school. Remember? I got your back bro." "Thanks" "Drew you got time for your best bud Hallzy?" "Taylor I have to give Cog's stitches. Can my sister just help with what you need done?" "Sure."

I looked towards the door and saw a 6'1,blonde haired,Canadian standing in the doorway. Just wearing athletic shorts, so obviously he just came from working out or just got undressed form practice. "You Drew's sister?" "Yeah I am Nicole, nice to meet you!" I held out my hand and he accepted in a shake. "Nice to meet you too, I am Tayl-" "I know who you are. Edmonton's number 1 overall pick in the 2010 draft,one of the key players from Canada's world junior team. you're Taylor Hall." "That's me. Now I am an Oiler though, sadly no more world juniors or Windsor Spitfires." "Oh yeah, forgot you played for them too. So what's the matter with you?"

"I got cut with a blade of a stick here by my rib. I don't think it's too bad, but it was bleeding before. Coach told me to come in and get undressed since practice is almost over." "Well let me see. Doesn't look bad. You will just need some gauze and a bandage around your waist for now, but you can take it off before tonight's game." "Good coach would have flipped if he thought I had to wear it for the game. He doesn't like reporters or anyone seeing that and thinking I am hurt." "Well we definitely wouldn't want you to get injured, that's for sure."
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So sorry I haven't updated recently. I have had so many finals and midterms to cram for. But my last day is June 8th so I will be back writing new chapters really soon.