‹ Prequel: Trouble for Me
Sequel: All She Knows
Status: Finished!


Who I am

Drew came back into the trainers room just when I was going to go find him. "Hey Drew?" "Yeah sis?" "When can we talk, about why I came back?" "Um, now I guess?" "I don't know really know where to start though." He looked at me concerned. "Is everything okay?" "Yeah, well no. It's hard to explain." He grabbed my hand. "What happened in Chicago?" Then he saw the start of the scar peering from underneath my cardigan. "Nicole! What happened?" "I guess I should start from the beginning then." "Yeah, please do."

"So Patrick killed Beau basically?" "Yeah basically." I had just finished telling my brother everything, from Denver to now. "And Jon told you he lost feelings for you on the anniversary of Beau's death?" "Yupp." "What a dick." "That's what Taylor said too. Speaking of Taylor, what time is it?" "1:50, why?" "Taylor and I are going to go to lunch. He was trying to find me a job around here somehow and he is gonna give me the results over lunch." "alright well, you kids have fun. Be careful." "It's just lunch." "I know, but I am your brother I have to say that." "Bye."

I walked to the lobby and met Taylor. "So? Find me a job?" "We haven't even gotten to have lunch yet." "I know, but I really need a job." "Okay, well it will take us 5 minutes to get where we are going." "Where is that exactly?" "It's a surprise, but you will like it." "Okay?" We got in Taylor's car and drove off. A few minutes later we pulled up to a house. "Where are we?" "Just wait." We got out of the car and he led me to the door. We went inside and there stood Jordan Eberle dressed as a waiter. "Um, reservation for Hall, table for 2." "What is this?" I couldn't help but laugh, it was such a cute idea. "Right this way."

He led us to a table out back on their patio. It was nice. We both sat down and their was a pitcher of lemonade with two glasses sitting on the table. "Your table Mr.Hall." "Thank you Eb's." "Lunch will be served momentarily." "Taylor what is this?" "Well I thought it would be a nice surprise if I brought you to my house for lunch instead of some restaurant. Eb's wanted to help so I let him be the waiter." "Well it definitely was a cute idea. And it caught me off guard for sure."

"Good, that's what I wanted." He gave me a cute smile and I couldn't help, but smile back. We had finished eating, but I still felt like I didn't know Taylor that well."So I feel like you know more about me then I know about you. Tell me about you." "Well to tell you the truth you are like the first girl I have come this close too, in a long time." "Really? Why?" "Everyone I want to come close to, only wants to be around me fro the fame. I get mad a lot of the times because I can't really hang with anyone outside of hockey." "So you take that anger out in games?" "Sometimes, other time I just listen to music or play guitar and sing."

"You play guitar? And sing?" "Yeah, it's in my room. You want to come in and I could play something for you?" "Sure." We walked into Taylor's room and I sat on his bed while he went to his closet to grab his guitar. "You have a pretty clean house for being hockey players." He continued to look while Eb's yelled from his room across the hall. "What's that supposed to me? "Well you guys aren't as messy as some others I have seen." "Oh." "Found it." "Okay so play something." "Um? Oh, I got the perfect song.

Nothing makes sense, nothing makes sense anymore
Nothing is right, nothing is right when you're gone
I'm losing my breath, I'm losing my right to be wrong
I'm frightened to death, I'm frightened that I won't be strong

I want someone to love me
For who I am
I want someone to need me
Is that so bad?
I wanna break all the madness
But it's all I have
I want someone to love me
For who I am


I'm shaking it off, I'm shaking off all of the pain.
Breaking my heart, breaking my heart once again

I want someone to love me
For who I am
I want someone to need me
Is that so bad?
I wanna break all the madness
But it's all I have
I want someone to love me
For who I am

I want someone to love me
For who I am
I want someone to need me
Is that so bad?
I wanna break all the madness
But it's all I have
I want someone to love me
For who I am

Yeah, who I am.

Taylor looked up at me and we stared at each other for a minute then before I knew it his lips were locked with mine. "Wait, did you find me a job?" "Yeah." "Well what is it? A trainer, cheerleader?" He continued to kiss me. "I take that as a yes?" "Just shut up and kiss me Nicole."

We laugh a bit, but then were interrupted by Eb's walking in on us. I don't think he knew we were kissing instead of Taylor playing his guitar and singing. "Um, I will just leave you too alone then." He walked out and we burst out laughing. I think coming back to Edmonton was a great choice.
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So another update, maybe some more comments will come up? A wanna here some feedback from you guys. so remember comment,rate,subscribe!