Can't You Hear Her Silent Screams?


Two Months Later

Wow! It all seems to have started when I turned seventeen. I was already nervous that year because I had transferred schools so often that I was practically a professional. This time we left our entire state instead of just switching towns. So I watched as my mother and sister packed up our belongings, trudging behind them as we made our way to the truck. As we drove away from our neighborhood I sas silent. I just simply stared out the window hoping that I was in a dream. After all these years that I have been alive, I belonged here. In Oregon, not some other random state, it is my home. And we left, going to Utah and probably never going back.
I am not the one to be angry and complain though. It was all my fault that we had to switch states. But it was just because I had caused as authorities would say ' disrupting, negative, social panic'. So I ended up going through about twenty of Oregon's school systems. All of those educational prisons in a very slow time-span of two years. But that is what happens when you go around slitting a few classmate's wrists. Oh and I mustn't forget that one guy's neck that one day at school. All of that just to drink their warm, creamy, delicious blood. I never got caught. But that doesn't mean that no one ever suspected anything, and that is why we had to keep moving.

Present Time
Yeah, so we moved to Utah and I started a new school. A fresh start you might say; new state, new school, nobody has a clue who I am. So why am I so nervous? I am not sure exactly. Maybe it is because I am trying to leave my past behind me, and I do not know if I can really do that. Or it might be that I am scared about what would happen if my peers ever found out about my history. Who knows, but I am going to make the most out of this life. Good or bad, I just want to make an impact and be remebered.
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Okay, just to warn everbody.... This is a story I wrote a couple years ago. It sucks, but I hope someone will enjoy it. I have tried to incooporate it with another story I have also wrote, to give it a tiny bit more plot and excitement.

Con-Crit is welcome.
Please comment, that stuff means the sun and stars to me!