Can't You Hear Her Silent Screams?

Can I Have My Schedule..Please?

Chapter 2

I stopped running when I was nearly a block away from my school, I didn't want to appear out of breath when I reached the office. Even though I had slowed my pace majorly, I was still walking quickly towards the towering building. It was four stories that were almost completely covered in dead vines.
I enter the administrator's office quietly, scanning the room for the headmistress or one of her flunkies. As I am wandering the large room I spot a few teachers' awards scattered on the walls. Then I am interrupted by a screeching voice.
"Excuse me miss, but shouldn't you be in your first hour class?" Her scathing tone made me want to roll my eyes and walk out of the building at once.
I looked up at the name tag of this woman, 'Mrs. Swilk'. She is wearing a charcoal grey pantsuit and nearly worn out dress shoes. "Um, my name is Vannessa. This is my first day at this school."
"I am sorry, but that is no reason to be wandering the office after classes have began. Do you have a hall pass with you?" I did not have a pass and I was getting tired of waiting on this woman to shut her face and tell me who it is I need to see so that I can get a schedule.
"No Mrs. Swilk, I don't have a pass, I just arrived here and am needing my schedule. Where do I get it at?"
"Oh, yes your schedule, hmmm. You should have recieved it in the mail the other day, sorry." She then turns and walks out of the room. I seriously couldn't believe it, the service and hospitality here was practically nonexistant.
Since apparently Lake High didn't care if I went to class, neither did I. I decided to skip class and walk around town; if anyone asked what I was doing out of school, I would simply tell them to go screw themselves.
About ten minutes of walking to god knows where I start to get bored, because of course I have no clue of anything to do in this town- I just moved here. After some time has passed, I stumble across a forgotten childrens' park. It seems like a peaceful place so I lay down on a bench and rest my eyes.
I am unaware of the time passing, and I proceed to drift into sleep.
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A/N: K.. I have a question for anyone who might read this. I've been suffering from some severe writer's block, but this evening I decided to write more & my brain started to go on a different direction...

I think that I may end up completely changing the plot line of this story, but it will still follow the lines of what has happened so far--- see recently I have been reading way too much fan-fics, and it almost seems neccessary that I now write one of my own.

Hope this doesn't make everyone lost- I'd like your opinions on what I should do now; continue with this story w/ changes, or restart it as a 100% fanfiction??

Please & Thanx everyone!