Status: Haitus

Young Hearts, to Yourself Be True

Young Hearts, To Yourself Be True - Ch.9

An hour later, we pulled into the car park in front of the mall. It had only just gone 9, so we were basically the first people there. As soon as we walked through the doors, we went into shopping mode. We went around the entire building methodically; starting on the top floor, scrutinising each shop before we decided which one would have the most appropriate present for someone. This went on for the floor below and half of the floor below that. The second half of the bottom floor was the food court, where we gladly collapsed 6 hours after we arrived. We each had at least four bags full of stuff for our friends and family.

“My god, now I know what it means to shop till you drop.” Allie said, exhausted.

“Almost too literally, I seriously almost collapsed in that last hour.” I agreed.


“So, now what do we do?”

“We have some well deserved food and a coffee.”

“Oooh, yeah, let’s have KFC. We definitely burned enough calories for it.”

“Too true, haha.”

However, both of us were too tired to even move to go order food. It was a catch 22, we were so hungry from all the walking around, but getting food meant more walking. Finally though, our stomachs won us over and we dragged ourselves over to McDonalds, and got two M&M McFlurries.

“Ahhh, yeah, that’s good stuff.” Allie said satisfactorily.

“I concur sir.”

“So, what’s the plan now?”

“Well, methinks that we should let our poor feet recover before doing any more walking anywhere.”

“Agreed. So, how’s it going with Ryan?” Allie asked slyly.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Oh please! You two are making goo goo eyes at each other every time you have one of your little ‘conversations’.”

“We do not. We’re simply getting to know each other better.”

“C’mon Lace, I’m your best friend, please tell me.”

“There’s nothing to tell.”

“Sure, sure, just promise me that you’ll tell me first when you admit that you like him.”

After that interesting tangent, we continued on to more pressing issues. Such as what we thought the guys had bought us and where they were hiding them. After about half an hour of trying to figure this out, we decided it was time to head on back to Allies house to wrap our presents.

2 hours, 2 rolls of tape and 2 pots of coffee later, we had all our presents wrapped, tagged and hidden.

“There we go, ahh, I feel so organised.” I giggled.

“Same. I think *yawn* I’m gunna need to hit the sack, I’m absolutely shattered.”

“Yeah, me too. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I said, while walking to the door, about to start the 3 minute walk to my own house.