Status: Haitus

Young Hearts, to Yourself Be True

Young Hearts, To Yourself Be True - Ch.10

Two weeks later, and it was Christmas day. Even though it didn’t snow in Las Vegas, that didn’t spoil mine and my sister’s moods as we put our favourite Christmas movie in: The Grinch. We knew every single word, and quoted it back and forth to each other. It was all part of our Christmas tradition.

That Christmas was amazing. My mum made the customary turkey with all the trimmings for lunch. I managed to even fit in seconds, it was that delicious. For the rest of the day, my parents, sister and I sat in the living room, watching Christmas movies and playing with our new presents. In the evening, my parents left to go out for a special dinner together, and on the way dropped off Jen at her friend’s house for her tea; which meant I had the house to myself.

As soon as the car pulled out of the drive, I was on the phone to Allie, telling her to come over, and to call Jon and Spencer to invite them. I then moved onto Brendon, telling him to get his ass over as soon as possible. That only left Ryan, and for some reason I was nervous about calling him. It took about five minutes of staring at the phone before I could even think about picking up the phone and dialling.

*Ring * *Ring*

“Who’s there?” demanded a gruff voice.

“Um, hi, this is Lace, I was wondering if Ryan was available.” I replied, suddenly wishing I had called Ryan’s mobile.

“Fine, hold on.”


“Hi! Lace, sorry about that, my dad is just a bit grumpy at the moment.”

“It’s alright. I was just wondering if you wanted to come over, everyone else is on their way, I think.”

“Yeah, ok. Give me like 20 minutes and I’ll be over.”

“Oki doki then, see you soon.”

“Yup, see ya.”

As soon as I put the phone down, the door opened. And three very immature boys came tumbling into the hall and one exasperated girl followed, and stepped over them to come over to embrace me in a hug.

“Merry Christmas!” Allie said with a smile.

“Merry Christmas to you too. Merry Christmas boys!” The last part was yelled.

All I heard in a return was a loud jumble of words which sounded like three ‘Merry Christmases’ all at different times. With a laugh, I looked over at Jon Spencer and Brendon, still lying on the floor, each with a bag, and all of them were trying to look in the others bag. That was when I noticed Allie with a bag as well.

“Time for presents!” Brendon yelled, getting off the floor and bouncing around.

“Well someone’s had too much eggnog. Brendon, we have to wait for Ryan, he’ll be here soon.” I calmly replied.

“But, but, but, I wanna open them nowwww...!”

“Oh hush, go watch the Grinch.” Yes I had been watching it again.

“Ooooo, yay, okay.”

So we all traipsed into the living room to wait for Ryan. And alas, fifteen minutes later, Ryan was standing in front of me on my doorstep. He looked up through his lashes and smiled at me. Stepping up, he engulfed me in a huge hug, before whispering in my ear:

“Merry Christmas Lace.”

“Yeah, you too.” I had seemingly lost the ability to reply. It wasn’t my fault he smelt really nice.
“Everyone is in the living room, if you wanna go through; I’m just going to grab some food.”

“I’ll come help you.” He smiled down at me.

“Uhm, ok. Thanks.” Why the hell was I suddenly so nervous, I’ve been alone with Ryan before.