Status: Haitus

Young Hearts, to Yourself Be True

Young Hearts, To Yourself Be True - Ch. 2

“I’m Ryan, and yeah I’m new.” This Ryan guy replied quietly.

“Aw c’mon, no reason to be shy, hey guess what? You’re my new best friend! I’m Brendon.” Said that crazy one, bounding over to Ryan and shaking his hand, probably scaring the life out of him.

“Once again, sorry about him, he has no knowledge of personal space and hasn’t taken his crazy pills today.” I state, going up to Ryan and prying Brendon off his hand.

“It’s alright, I don’t mind. I just moved here from upstate.” Ryan told us, sounding more confident.

“Cool, so you’re a regular Las Vegas-ian, thingy...person from here...yeah...” Brendon said, trying to sound smart.

“Just shush Brendon,, don’t go killing your last remaining brain cell.” I said, shaking my head.

“So, yeah, wanna come sit with us? You can meet the rest of our “posse” later on, I’m sure you’ll fit right in.” I ask Ryan, looking over what he was wearing, dark blue skinnies, scuffed converse and a plain white t-shirt with a slight v-neck.

“Yeah, that’d be cool, thanks.” He replied appreciatively.

So the three of us sat at the bat of homeroom just talking, getting to know each other, as more people trickled into the room as the bell was about to go. Some of the [whores] girls in my homeroom were glancing at Ryan, whispering and giggling. Typical, isn’t it? Well, he’s my friend, I shall just have to warn him about the Slut Team, which consisted of about 57% of the girls at this school.
Lunch finally arrived, and as I predicted, Ryan fit in perfectly with the rest of the people Brendon and I hang out with; Spencer, Jon and Allie. As Ryan got more comfortable with the guys, I dragged Allie a little way away to have some girl talk.

“OK, so he’s gorgeous.” Allie exclaimed as soon as we were out of earshot.

“I know.” I sighed dreamily.

“OOooo0o0o0, does someone have a crush on the new guy?” Allie looked too excited about this.

“Nooo...., and I don’t want you trying to set us up, got it?” I said warningly.

“Alright, alright, but I’ll get it out of you, I know you like him, I know everything.” She replied in a creepy voice, along with weird finger waving.

Over the next few days Ryan got really settled into our little group, and much to my surprise [and happiness], Ryan was in almost every one of my classes, all except PE, which was separated into girls and guys anyway. We all got to know Ryan better, likes, dislikes, music tastes, girl tastes and where he lived. Coincidentally, he lived right next door to Brendon, who basically lived right in the middle of all of us; if you took a five minute walk in any direction you would most likely pass any one of our houses.

The next weekend I decided we were all going to have a sleepover at Brendon’s house, only thing is, I didn’t tell Brendon, oh how I love to surprise that boy. Everyone first met up at my house (aside from Ryan, who was going to meet us at Brendon’s house) with all their sleepover gear. From there we traipsed over to Brendon’s, where we found Ryan sitting on the curb with a sleeping bag, looking a little bit bored.