Status: Haitus

Young Hearts, to Yourself Be True

Young Hearts, To Yourself Be True - Ch.5

“Awww, don’t they look adorable!”

“Sshhh Allie! You’ll wake them up.”

“I’m gonna take a picture.”


I could hear vague voices above me, and something warm around my waist. I groaned and slowly opened my eyes.

“Nice one you geek, you woke her up.” Spencer, I think, whispered in mock harshness.

“Shut up Spence, they needed to get up anyway, it’s almost 1.” Allie replied.

My eyes finally opened fully without being blinded, only to be met with a mass of brown hair and a pair of deep chocolate brown eyes.

“Morning.” Ryan whispered croakily.

“Morning yourself.” I whispered back.

“Morning lazy asses!” Was screamed at us, presumably by Brendon. “Get up, get up, get up!”

“Garrr, I wanna sleep, Ryan and I stayed up all night talking.”

“Mmmhm.” Ryan lazily confirmed.

It went on like this for a while, Ryan and I wanting to sleep more, everyone else trying to wake us up, apparently they all wanted ice cream. We finally decided to give up on the prospect of sleep when we got a free double scoop of whatever we wanted, score!
For the rest of the day we just hung around, lazing in the sunny afternoon. For a while we went down to the park and messed about on the swings and jungle gym. Finally, at about 6, we all went our separate ways because we all had homework to do for school the next day.
The next few weeks came and went much the same way. School, then weekend doing pretty much anything. Pretty soon, it was the beginning of October, and only a week until my birthday. This year my birthday was on a Friday, eurgh.
All week I would see Allie and the guys huddled in a group, whispering about something, but when I got close enough to hear, they would see me and immediately cease their chatter, looking suspicious. I was getting wary of what they were talking about. I had a sneaking feeling, but I’m not sure whether or not I’m right.

*Beep* *Beep* *Be-

“Wakey wakey birthday girly!!” Was what had interrupted my alarm clock going off at 6:30 am on Friday the 8th of October 2004, aka My 18th Birthday. I knew that voice anywhere, even if it was all hopped up on sugar and coffee: Brendon. I’m pretty sure everyone else wasn’t far behind.

“Unngh, leave me alone...” I yawned.

“Nevah! Tis a school day so you must awake and put on apparel and traipse along with the rest of us to school where we can make sure EVERYONE knows that today is your birthday.” Brendon yelled, forcibly pulling me out of the warmth of my bed.

“Urgh, fine...just get outta my room so I can get dressed.”

“Ahh, yes, clothes, very well, but you have to wear what we picked out for you. Otherwise we will dress you for you.” Jon added.

“Oh god, I think I may be a little bit scared.” I said sarcastically, but with a smile on my face so the guys knew I was only joking.

Ten minutes later I was in the kitchen with my friends, wearing an entirely new outfit, they must have bought it for me as a present. I was wearing dark blue skinnies with skeleton hands on the back pockets, a dark red top with tyre tracks over it and a pair of white converse that everyone had written and drawn on.

“This is officially my new favourite outfit ever!” I exclaimed, doing a little twirl in front of the mirror.

“Well of course it is, after all, it was my idea.” Brendon boasted, doing a flick of pretend long hair.

“And there is more to come.” Added Allie.

“C’mon you guys, you know this is more than enough, I don’t really want loads of stuff.”

“Well you’re gonna get it, so there.” Spencer said while sticking out his tongue.

“That thing stays out any longer and I’ll cut it off and stick it in the microwave Spence.” I threatened.

“Hehe, let’s go guys, otherwise we’re gonna be late for homeroom.” Ryan said, trying to usher us out the door.

We were soon on our way. Brendon and Jon began skipping down the road, and Allie and Spencer were arguing over some band or something.

“Happy Birthday Lace.” I heard whispered in my ear. Guess who? Of course it was Ryan.

“Thanks Ry. But did you guys have to wake me up so early?”

“Well, it was fun. The fact that we saw you in your pj boxers is just a plus.” He smirked.

Hang on, wait, what was that?