Status: Haitus

Young Hearts, to Yourself Be True

Young Hearts, To Yourself Be True - Ch.8

Over the next few weeks, Ryan and I began hanging out on our own more. If the whole lot of us went to the mall, we would walk slower than everyone else; at the pool, we would sit a few sun-chairs away. We weren’t being anti-social, because we still interacted with our friends and hung out with them too much to be healthy, but who cared. We just liked to talk; I felt I could tell him anything, like my teensy crush on Spencer when I first moved to Las Vegas, or how I didn’t really have any friends in England, and my secret aspiration to be in a West End [like Broadway] production but I knew that would never happen because my singing was seriously crap.

I guess he found he could tell me things too, like how he had only had one girlfriend before, that he was afraid of clowns and he loved messing around with make-up and could some pretty sweet designs with his steady hand and good quality make-up.

I could feel myself getting more attached to him than I thought I should be, but did I care? Hardly. Almost every day I found out something about him that made me like him more. So nowadays, every time I even so much thought of him smiling at me, it brought a blush to my cheeks. Sometimes Allie would notice this – the boys were oblivious, thank goodness – and asked what I was thinking about. And every time I replied that it didn’t matter; but I think she knew, because whenever Ryan showed up, she would nudge me and smirk. Damn that girl for being so smart.

“C’mon Lace. Christmas is two weeks away; we need to go do our shopping soon.” Allie was practically begging me.

It was Friday December 10th, exactly two weeks and one day until Christmas; neither Allie or I had bought any of our gifts yet.

“Alright, alright, we’ll go to the mall tomorrow. I’m pretty sure if we go as soon as it opens, we can have everything by at least 3 p.m.” I sighed.

“Yay! Thanks doll, I’ve been stressing over what to get everyone.”

“Yeah me too, maybe this year I’ll just give everyone a hug.”

“Lace, c’mon, we’ll help each other and get the best presents ever!”

“Haha, ok then, that shall be our mission and we cannot rest until it is completed...except for food of course.”

“Of course.”

All too soon, meaning just the next morning, Allie was in my room, poking me periodically with a spoon while eating cereal. She must have been at it for about 10 minutes before I gave up on trying to ignore her, so I stole her Fruit Loops, buahaha.