Status: Complete - I am currently working on a sequel, but won't post until I have it half finished. Look for it in late November.


Try Honesty

The next 2 years flew by. Jimmy, Matt, and Val were at the kids birthdays and mine. DJ and Jade started walking before we could get him to talk. His first word was “Momma” followed by him pointing at Matt and saying “Addows” on his first birthday. The guys and Val kept their promise not to tell though Michelle got suspicious, Val quickly defused that. I'd done a full back piece of Benjamin Franklin on Benji's back working on it when he came into town. He had become a steady boyfriend spending as much time with me and the kids. Once it was complete, about 2 months ago, we did a spread for a tattoo magazine. The picture they published was Benji's back, shirtless of course, with me over his shoulder; one hand on the back of his neck the other on his shoulder.

Both Simple Plan and Good Charlotte had recorded new albums and both were in the editing and printing stages. They had both landed spots on Warped Tour 2004 along with Avenged Sevenfold, much to my displeasure. Yes I was happy for the bands but I'd managed to keep my secret from the other members of A7X and the GC guys had no idea I'd been married to the guitarist. Billy had become really good friends with Zack and Brian which had me on edge. Benji and Billy had tried to get me to meet with the rest of the guys but I'd always found a way out of it. I could hide better if I wasn't right under their noses. It didn't help that DJ looked exactly like Zack. Strangely enough no one seemed to notice that. The guys all had the day off in LA so Matt and Jim were at the shop helping me watch the kids so they could spend time with them. The tour was coming to an end, thankfully.

“You fucking bitch!” an all to familiar voice shouted over the song 'Unholy Confessions' - Zack and Jimmy had written it after Z found the lyrics under the drum set- as a phone crashed into the wall next to my head.

“What the-” I looked up but stopped short seeing who was standing in the doorway of the shop. 2 very pissed of females.

“You fucking bitch.” The one with black and purple dread marched toward me a fire burning in her eyes.

“Eliza. Jazz.” I gave a scared laugh and ducked under the counter as a shoe flew at my head. “Stop throwing things!”

“I'm going to kick your ass!” Jazz said walking behind the counter and pulled me to my feet. “But first.” She pulled me into a tight hug before punching my shoulder.

“Come here.” Eliza said pulling me into a hug. “I'm only hugging you to keep from killing you.” She said tightening her grip.

“You have 2 minutes to explain what in the hell you were thinking before we kill you.” Jazz smiled.

“Mommy.” Jade said walking in the room with her sippycup in hand. She held it up. “Ouice.” She held it out to me. Jazz and Eliza looked at her wide eyes.

“Who's that?” Eliza said pointing at the little girl.

“My daughter. You mean you guys didn't know?” I asked scooping her up.

“Umm… No… We found you because of a magazine article, how could we have known?” Eliza was still wide eyed at the little girl.

“Jade come back here.” Matt said walking out of the back room but stopped mid step with a deer in the head lights look when he saw the 2 girls.

“Matt? You knew about this?” Jazz looked from the little girl to Matt.

“No?” He questioned backing out of the room before turning and locking himself in the back room with Jimmy, DJ, and Demi. The girls stared after him with a slightly confused look.

“Ouice!” The toddler said louder this time.

“Here.” I smiled taking her cup and pouring some of the bottle of V8 I was drinking in her sippycup before she wiggled out of my grasp and went and knocked on the door Matt had hidden in. Jimmy opened the door and picked up the little girl before shutting it like it was a secret club house.

“Jimmy?!?!” Eliza called down the hall before turning to me. “So are we the only ones who don't know or what?” She was beyond pissed now.

“No. Actually only Matt, Jim, and Val know.” I shrugged.

“Wait, Val too?!?!”

“What about me?” Val asked walking in the door with a bag filled with our dinner. “Oh hey E, Jazz.” She smiled at them acting like nothing was going on.

“You knew where she was and she had a kid and never told us why?” Jazz was getting just as mad as Eliza.

“Well, you guys can either get mad or you can go meet them.” I said walking down the hall.

“Them? I though you just had the one.” Jazz said raising an eyebrow as they followed me down the hall.

“You'll see.” I went to open the door and found it locked. “Matt, Jim, open the door.” I said leaning on the frame.

“Password?” Jimmy called from behind the door.

“I have your dinner?” Val said leaning on the other side.

“Nope. Sorry.”

“Fishy tornado.” I received weird looks from the 3 girls. “Well you can't exactly say `monkey balls' around little kids.” I laughed at the door clicked open.

“Mommy! Uncle Matt is being mean!” Demi pouted from her seat on his lap.

“What'd you do Uncle Matt?” Val playfully glared at him taking Demi from his lap after setting the bag on the counter.

“He won't play airplane with me.” The 4 year old pouted.

“You have 3 kids?” Jazz asked

“Yes.” I smiled. “You guys know this one.” I said pointed to Val and Demi. “This is Demi.” She reached out for Eliza who was closest to her.

“Last time I saw you, you couldn't walk.” Eliza said taking her from Val.

“I thought-” Jazz started to say before Jimmy cut her off.

“I'll explain later.” He said seriously before returning his attention to Jade. We'd decided it'd be easier just to tell Demi she was mine, which she was, instead of being my sister.

“This one is DJ.” I said pointing to the little boy who then jumped on Matt's back. He spun around and start tickling the almost 3 year old.

“And that's Jade.” I motioned to the little girl now pulling on Jimmy's hair. “Kids.” I got their attention. “This Aunt Jazz and Aunt E.” I pointed to the girls. Jade instantly hopped down from where she was sitting on the couch with Jimmy and ran over to Jazz while DJ went back to get away from Matt's tickling hands. I heard the bell for the door go off meaning someone was in the shop.

“That'll be Matt and Jason.” Jazz said walking out the door holding Jade with me following her.

“Hey guys.” I waved. We spent the next hour catching up and me explaining everything to the guys. They were going to finish out the year touring before hitting the studio to record the album under Warner Brother's Records.

“Yeah yeah. We know. Keep this from everyone else.” Jason said rolling his eyes.

“Hey baby.” Benji said wrapping his arms around me and kissing my neck. I screamed in surprise.

“I didn't hear you come in.” I said holding my chest.

“I'm sneaky like that.” He laughed before noticing everyone else in the room. “Hey guys. What are you doing here?” He looked confused.

“We're visiting your girlfriend like you've been bothering us to.” Jimmy shrugged taking his attention away from DJ for the little boy to launch a surprise attack on him.

“Good to see you finally met them. I know they are your favorite band.” Benji said kissing the deathbat that's been on my neck for over 3 years.

“I am too.” I smiled while the group of my old friends shot looks around at each other. I'd managed to keep being friends with them away from the GC guys because on birthdays and holidays Jimmy, Matt, and Val would sneak off in the middle of the night so not to draw attention to where they were going.

“What are you doing tonight?” He asked just as my phone went off.

“Hold that thought.” I said pulling my phone from my pocket. “Hello?”

“Hey Annie. It's Emma. Erica called in sick so we're short a bar tender on Friday night. Think you can come in?” She asked pleadingly. It was only 8 and I could already hear people in the background.

“Guys can you watch the kids? There's a staff shortage at the club.” I asked holding the phone to my shoulder.

“Dancers or bar tenders?” Benji asked his eyebrow raised jokingly.

“We got them. Go.” Val said reassuringly.

“Alright.” I brought the phone back to my mouth. “Yeah. Let me change and I'll be in.” I said before shutting my phone. “Are you guys going to chill at my place? I have to go home and change anyway.”

“Yeah. You guys will love her house.” Jimmy laughed.

“I'm sorry Benji.” I gave him a sympathy smile.

“It's fine. You'll just crawl in bed with me when you get home.” He said kissing my cheek. We quickly got the kids loaded in the car.

“Close up early if you have to Ben.” I called into the shop where he and Joe were tattooing. They both yelled a yeah over the sounds of their machines.

“I got them. Just go get ready babe.” Benji said as we pulled in the driveway. The other's cars behind us.

“Thank you.” I kissed him before darting into the house and my room. I quickly pulled on a black leather corset with chains and buckles with a pair of low ridding ripped jeans. There was just enough space between the 2 to show the bottom of my tattoo. “Mommy loves you.” I said kissing all of my kids while pulling on my jacket.

“Does mommy love me?” Benji asked pulling at my waist once I had my jacket on.

“Yes.” I laughed and kissed him before heading to the door. “Behave! It's almost bed time.” I blew kisses at the kid before getting in the Mustang and taking off for the club.

“Thank god you're here!” Emma called over the noise as I jumped over the bar. It was 10 and the club was full.

“Why didn't you call me earlier?” I asked pouring some drinks. So the drink orders were caught up and we had a moment to breathe.

“She called in right before I called you.” She asked leaning on the counter looking out to the stage.

“Can I get a jack and coke?” I guy with bleach blond hair and radon black spots asked walking up to the bar. I looked at him a second.

“Let me see your ID.” I said leaning on the bar in front of me. He pulled his wallet out of his back pocket and flipped it open. “Please take it out.” The year was covered.

“He's 21. I`ll have the same.” A guy with dark shagged hair said leaning on the bar next to him. I instantly recognized him.

“I still need to see ID.” I shrugged and took the ID the blond handed me. “Jonathon Seward. This is fake.” I said looking it over. It looked just like mine had. It was really good except the birthday on the flag pole was never changed.

“It is not.” He looked offended.

“Dude, give it up.” I handed it back.

“Well that's a first time anyone of us has had a problem with those.” A pair of green eyes locked on my fake blue ones.

“Sorry, Johnny. Looks like you're the DD for the night.” Brian said taking his drink that Emma had made.

“Damn it. Guess that mean you get to drink Zack.” Johnny huffed off.

“Let me get 3 shots of jack and same as him.” Zack said pointing at Brian.

“Here you go.” I said setting his drink on the bar then filling the 3 shot glasses.

“Yo, Brian.” He said causing Brian to turn around. He handed one shot to Brian and the other to me. “Had to buy the pretty bar tender a shot.” He shoot that smile that made my heart melt.

“Bottoms up.” I said and downed the shot before setting the glass up-side-down on the counter the same time the guys did.

“So, have we met?” I had to fight from getting lost in those green eyes.

“I don't know have?” I questioned.

“I think I would have remembered those eyes but something seems familiar about you.” He said sipping his drink.

“And what's that?” I asked watching Emma take care of another customer who walked up.

“I can't put my finger on it.” He said tilting his head at me. “I'm Zack by the way.”

“Ann.” I nodded.

“Wait, you're Jimmy's ex girlfriend.” He said taking another drink.

“Oh yeah. You're the one with the huge ass house.” I pretended to realize who he was.

“Why did you two ever break up? I never got that story.”

“Nothing in common.” I played along.

“Well you are very beautiful. I don't see how he let you go.” Z flirted.

“Hey. Ann. Carter needs to see you outside. There's a problem at the door.” Emma called setting the 2 way radio down.

“Sorry, Zack but I have to go.” I said and walk to the end of the bar before out of the doors. “You needed to see me?” I asked the large man.

“No. Emma said some dude was flirting with you and you didn't look interested. Thought we'd save you.” He laughed.

“Thanks.” I smiled and pulled my phone out and dialed a Jimmy's number.

“Hello?” He answer.

“Jimmy, you have to get Zack, Brian, and Johnny out of my club.” I said in a hushed voice.

“They're there?” He asked.

“Yes now call them and get them to leave.” I urged.

“What? Don't want us in your club Danni?” I heard a voice say from behind me causing me to instantly freeze and drop my phone.