Status: Complete

His Girl Friday

Where Everything You Wish Comes True




Molly didn't answered, she just stared at the wall opposite her bed, her eyes still red from crying.


"Angie told everyone at work I'm a whore. Even the other offices know, I don't think I can work there anymore."

"Common Molly." William sighed, setting the mug down on her bedside table "He obviously was more of an ass than you thought he was. You deserve better."

"I won't get it." Molly answered.

"How can you say that?" he asked laying down next to her on her bed.

After almost a full day, William had carried Molly to her car and drove her home. He figured it would be easier to cheer her up at her Iown place, but he was wrong she had gotten a little worse.

"What am I suppose to say?" she asked. "My boyfriend of six years just left me because I'm a bitch and cheated on him. The only boy who could ever replace him has a girlfriend."

William looked at her a moment and pulled her closer to him "Are you talking about me?" he asked softly.

"No stupid." she answered her voice hoarse from crying. "I'm talking about the other boy I risked my relationship for."

William let out a sigh and kissed her softly. "I don't know what to tell you, my hands are tied."

"They don't have to be."

"You want me to leave Maggie so can sit in her apartment and cry her eyes out just like you are? I can't do that sweet heart."

"That seems fair." Molly answered her voice and face void of emotion. "I risked my relationship for you and had my boyfriend leave me for my best friend. You, however, will not leave your girlfriend for me? I'm so glad I was right in thinking I'm no more than a good fuck for you."

"Don't say that."

"Tell me it isn't true than." Molly growled "Tell me I mean more to you than your red curls, green eyes and freckles. Tell me you would risk everything for me."

William just watched her for a moment.

"That's exactly what I thought." she snapped. "What a way to spend our Friday."

William climbed out of the bed and walked toward the door, trying to keep his face nuteral.

"I never wanted to fall in love with you." she said softly when William reached the door.

"Same here Princess."

Molly sat up to look at him, but he was already gone.



Molly had decided it was better to just face work and try to tough it out. Was was the worst that could happen? So what if a few of her co-workers thought a little less of her, Angie was the only one Molly ever really talked to and there was no chance in hell Molly was gonna talk to her.

So she had plucked up her courage and drove to work, eyes still red but otherwise you wouldn't be able to tell she had had her heart stabbed by three different people in one week.

She stopped short when she saw her desk. It was completely trashed, like someone had unleashed a tornado on it.

Molly didn't even bother taking another step towards the desk. She turned on her heels and marched into her bosses office announcing that she quit and informed her about Angie's 'habit' of accidentally forgetting to clock out at night and getting overtime.



Are you still talking to me?


Molly looked at her phone and let out a sigh. She honestly didn't know anymore. Molly couldn't lie, she still missed William like crazy even after he had rejected her. She missed just laying next to him while he played with her hair or lanced their fingers together.

Molly knew she was going to break down and text William back, but that was not going to be today.



Molly sighed as she played with her phone, snapping it in and out of its case repeatedly. She should be out searching for a new job, but she just didn't want to. She had enough in savings to last her a good six months and just the idea of trying find a job and dealing with whatever was going on with William and her.

Open you door


Molly frowned. Was he standing out there like the last time he had sent her a text like that?

Molly walked slowly to her front door and pulled it open quickly.

"William I-" she paused when she realized he wasn't there.

She was about to shut the door and text William and ask him what the hell he was up to when she heard a russeling at her feet. Molly looked down and saw a large basket, a peice of paper tapped to the top and the basket was shaking a little. Carefully she grabbed the paper from the top of the basket and read it.


I'm sorry about what happened Friday. I haven't changed my answer, I can't break Maggie's heart like that. I also can't survive not seeing you and knowing you hate me. I need you as much as I need to breathe and not seeing you is choking me.

I can't promise you anything, but Please don't give up on me. I got you something, to say sorry. I'm sure the basket is still moving, open it. I named him scruff, hope you don't mind.


Molly lowered the paper and pursed her lips as she looked at the still shaking basket. She imagined opening it to find a pile of deadly snakes or a rabies infected, angry raccoon. Molly held back a small giggle before leaning forward and unlatching the top of the basket. She was instantly knocked over by the contents of the basket.


I love him.


Molly smiled as she hit send. She looked over at scruff, a floppy eared, fluffy covered puppy that was already a quarter of her size. His fur was brown with random black patches, one ear sticking straight up while the other flopped to the side. He was looking at her with his head tilted and tongue hanging out.

Do you forgive me?


Molly looked her phone as she dodge getting licked right in the face by scruff.

We need to talk. Come over Friday.


Molly hit send and almost instantly got a reply.

I'll see you then Sweet Heart.


Molly set her phone down and looked over at scruff, who was chewing on her purple converse. She let out a sigh but smiled "Common pup we need to pick you up a few things."

Scruff looked up at her and wagged his tail.



Molly was restless all morning and she was sure her new dog could tell. He kept following her around and whimpering as he tapped the back of her leg with his nose.

"Get off my face." Molly laughed, as scruff attempted to lick her again.

There was a knock at the door and Molly instantly froze. After a second there was another knock and she jumped off the couch, jogging to the door. She attempted to look through the pep hole but someone was covering it. Molly rolled her eyes before pulling the door open.

A pair of arms wrapped themselves around her waist and lips found hers. Molly kissed back, melting into Williams's body and her hands vanished in his hair. The moment was almost perfect until scruff started barking at them.

They pulled apart and looked down at the dog, before back at each other.

"I missed you." William said softly taking one of her hands in his and kissing her knuckles.

"I missed you too."


Molly cut him off with a soft kiss. "It's okay William. I wish this was easier but I would rather have you like this than not at all."

"Let's go to a place where everything you wish comes true."

"There isn't a place like that." Molly smiled lightly, "I would be there already if i could find it."

"I just need time." William sighed.

"All the time in the world." Molly answered kissing him again.