Status: Active

Guess Who's Back


I yelled at no one in particular as I threw a beer bottle at the far wall of the tour bus. How can she fucking do this to me?! After all the fucking love that I gave her? I gave her my fucking heart!

But you also killed her, my subconscious said to me. When that thought went through my head, I stopped trashing the bus and fell to my knees. I did. I fucking killed her. And over what? Someone kissing her forehead! And that someone being her goddamn Uncle?! If I'd have known that then, she would have still been here. Not confusing me out of my fucking mind. Wondering how she's fucking alive after stabbing her fifty fucking times.

Sighing, I got up off the floor and picked up the mess that I had made. I was throwing the glass in the trash when the door flew open. Looking over my shoulder, I saw Jimmy, Lilit and Matt coming in.

"Where's Zacky and Johnny?" I sneered in there direction.

Lilit all but shrugged before light up a smoke.

"They're around. Ones getting the best fuck in their life and the other is making a call. Guess who's doing who."

Jimmy laughed before going into the back room. Most likely changing into some pj's.Looking back over at Lilit, I saw that she was looking out the window. Her lips moving at someone or something unknown. Looking at Matt, I saw that he was texting. Most likely Val. Walking over to Lilit, I knelled in front of her and placed my hands on her thighs. When I did that one little action, her breath hitched and she looked over at me.

"How are you alive?" I whispered to her as I ran my hands up and down.

Lilit took in a shaky breath and I smirked, knowing I still had an effect on her. Lilit looked down at me before standing up. When she did, Jimmy came back in his duck pj pants.

"I have to go," Lilit said to us.

"Aw! Why?!" Jimmy yelled.

Lilit laughed before answering," Have some business to take care of. See you all at the next stop."

And with that, she walked out of the bus. There was a moment of silence before Johnny came back in with a shit eating grin.

"What's with the grin, short shit?" Matt asked.

"Just got off the phone with you know who," Johnny said, sitting down on the couch next to me.

"Ha-ha! How's she fucking doing?" Jimmy asked.

"Fucking great. We're going to meet up in Arizona," Johnny sighed out.

I looked at all three men in total confusion. What the fuck are they talking about, I thought as I looked at them all. After ten minutes of being totally clueless, I decided it was time to get some rest. Getting up, I said night to the guys before going to my bunk and get some change of clothes before taking a quit shower. After the shower, I quickly dried myself before getting dressed and walking back to my bunk. Getting in, I closed the curtain and popped in my ear buds. Pressing play, AC/DC's 'Highway To Hell' began to play. And before I knew it, I was going into a deep slumber.


'What the hell's going on?' was the first thing I thought as I walked the dark street.

Looking down, I gasped as I watched myself walking to the end of the pier. When I reached it's end, I bent down and kissed the thing that was in my arms. Stepping closer, I saw that it was Lilit's lifeless body. I stared as I watched myself throwing her body into the sea. As the other me walked away, I looked down at the sea. Seeing her body being swept out to see. But then, something grabbed her and began to pull her back to shore. Following the movement of her body, I ended up at the sands edge. Lilit's body was being dragged up the sand and the figure turned out to be her uncle.

"C'mon! Wake up!" I heard him say as he lifted her head and brought something to her lips.

I saw her throat moving, indicating that she had swallowed whatever it was he had given her. After a few minutes, she still didn't move.

"FUCK!" I heard her uncle roar. Actually roar like an animal.

"Tisk tisk, Bam," another voice said.

Looking to my left, there stood Ville Valo. Lilit's father.

"Ville. I tried to revive her," Bam said as he stood up.

"But you didn't try hard enough. You are going to be sent to limbo until she comes back," Ville said as he walked closer to the bodies.

"Ville! No!" Was all that Bam said before he disappeared behind a wall of flames.

"Holy shit!" I said as I stumbled back.

Looking back over at Ville, I saw that he knelled down nest to Lilit and lifted her head to rest on his thighs.

"Oh, my sweet daughter. Whoever did this to you will suffer a painful death," I heard Ville whispering down to her.

There was a moment of silence before there was a gasp and cough. A throat was cleared before I heard a light yet dark chuckle before her voice ran out.

"Do not worry, Father. This one is mine."

Looking up, I saw Lilit raising and looked into the eyes of her father. They stared at each other before grinning at one another. Both raising to there feet, Ville stuck his hand out. Lilit placed hers in his and they both disappeared in a wall of fire. I lifted my arm to block the blinding light. Placing my arm back down, there was just me in a dark room. I looked around to find a door, and saw none. After for what seemed like eternity, I heard laughter and a voice saying behind me:

"And so it begins."

Spinning around, there stood Lilit in some tight leather pants and crop top. She smirked at me before disappearing


I awoke with a gasp. Looking at my cell phone, I saw that it was five forty-five. Turning over to my back, I took a deep breath and ran my hands through my messy hair.

What the hell is going on?
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