Status: Active

Guess Who's Back


The guys and I were currently at a restaraunt. Celibrating the new release of our latest album, 'Nightmare'.

"To another good fucking year," Matt toasted, raising his beer.

We all raised it before taking a big gulp. We were all taking when I felt as if someone was watching me. Looking around, I didn't find anyone remotly looking our way. We had just ordered and were goofing around when a waiter came with a bottle of wine.

"From the young woman," he said, looking over my shoulder.

We all turned to see who it was and my eyes buldged. There, at the other end of the restaraunt, was a women with tattoo's on her arms in a tight black dress and red high heels. A women who looks so much like the woman I killed not four monthes prier. She looked me in the eye before raising her glass of wine and smirked. A drunken couple passed in front of my line of view and when they were out of the way, she had dissapeard. I turned back to the guys and saw that they had nutral looks on there faces.

As our food arrived, we began to eat and have a talk about our upcoming tour. But my mind was not in the thought of touring. It was back at that woman. Her shoulder length dark brown-almost black- hair laying loosely and curly around her shoulders. Her deep green eyes boring into me. As I thought about her, I thought about the woman I killed. The love of my life


"I love you," she told me.

I smiled down at her and kissed her full lips.

"I love you too, Lit."

She giggled and got up off the bed and headed towards the bathroom. As she entered, I sighed and got out of bed as well. Going into my closet, I pulled put a large kitchen knife and slowly made my way into the bathroom. Lit was in the shower. Perfect. Quickly and quietly, I threw open the glass door and began to stabe her fifty fucking times. Her screams of pain and agony rang through the bathroom as the knife went through her perfect pale skin. With the final thrust of the knife through her stomach, she dropped like a sack onto the tile flood. Leaving her in the shower with the water still on, I went back into my room and changed into some dark clothes. Walking back into the bathroom, I saw that all her blood had completely ran down the drain. Shutting the water off, I picked her up and placed her carefully onto the bed.

Even in death you look beautiful, I thought as I began to dress her too into dark clothing. Picking her up bridal style and carried her out into my car. Placing her into the back seat, I got into the drivers side and started up my car. Driving for an hour, I finally arrived at the peir. Shutting off the lights, I kept the engine on and got her out. I walked over to the end of the peir and looked down.

The waves were crashing into the harbor, as is the God of the sea was here with me. Looking down at the beauty in my arms, I kissed her full lips before dumping her body into the ocean. Her body flailed and went this way and that before the current came and took her away.

"Goodbye my love," I said with a deep and dark chuckle before heading back into my car.

Before I could even drive off, I heard her voice say into my ear, 'I'll be back, my dear.'

I shivered and drove off.


"Brian!" Jimmy yelled into my ear.

I jumped and said," OW! What the fuck, Jimmy!"

Jimmy laughed like a mad man and said," C'mon. time to head home."

I nodded and sighed.

We all walked out of the restraunt and into Matt's truck. I was the last to pile in and when I was about to enter, I heard a familisr eeire laugh go through the night.
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Here chapter two!

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