Status: Active

Guess Who's Back


I awoke the next morning in a cold sweat. Running my hands through my dark hair, I got out of bed and walked over to my closet. Pulling out a pair of dark jeans and gray wife beater, I grabbed a pair of boxers and went to take a shower. As I was washing myself, I thought back to the dream that had woken me up.

It was about Lilit. She was standing over me, with a sort of dagger like object in her hand. Around her were flames, but I strangely didn't feel the heat as the flames blazed all around us. When I looked around, there were my friends, looking down at me with smirks on there faces. Looking closely at them, I could see that they had fangs. Not the ones we had when we did 'Beast and the Harlot', they were really real.

Looking back up at Lilit, I saw her bend down close to my ear, and said:

"Guess who's back, Brian."

Shivering from the memory of her mouth near my ear, I turned the water off before getting dressed. Looking over at my bed, my girlfriend, Michelle, was still there. Sighing,I grabbed my keys after stepping into my shoes and walked out the door. With my Aviators over my eyes, I stepped into my car and drove off to Matt's.

I had pulled up into his driveway and saw something that caught my attention. There, on his driveway, was a sleek black and purple motorcycle. With a confused look, I walked to the door and was about to knock when it flew open. There stood a woman in a black leather jacket,tight jeans, a HIM tank top, and some riders boots. She had a pair of dark Aviators over her eyes.

"See you later, Sanders," The woman said.

Her voice sending shivers down my spine.

Looking behind her, I saw Matt and Val going to her.

"Alright. See you," Matt said, hugging her.

Val walked up to her and gave her a big hug.

"It was great to see you again," Val said when they pulled away.

"Same here," The woman said, laughing.

"We better stay in touch," Val said with a smirk.

"Oh trust me, Valery, we will," the woman said, flashing her phone at her before going over to the bike and road off.

There was a moment of silence before I said:

"Who is she?"

Val and Matt looked at each other before looking back at me.

"She's an old friend. You never met her cause you were to busy fucking Michelle," Val said.

I looked over at her. I've always known that she hated her twin with a passion, but it sometimes catches me off guard when she talked about her sister like that.

"Oh," was all that said.

Matt nodded before whispering something into Val's ear. Val nodded and went back inside. Matt grabbed his keys and sunglasses before saying:

"C'mon. We're meeting the guys at the studio."

I nodded and we walked over to my car. We were almost there when the same motorcycles zoomed passed us. My eyes followed it till it was out of sight. Looking over at Matt, I saw that he had a smirk on his face. I looked back onto the road and kept driving. But something that caught my eye kept popping up into my head. Why are Matt's canine teeth sharp? Or am I losing my mind?
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Hey, here's the next chapter. I hope you like!

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