Status: Active

Guess Who's Back


"So. Will you be coming on tour with us?" Jimmy asked me through the phone.

I chuckled as I stirred the pasta.

"Yeah. Since dad is touring with you guys, I am going to be their manager. Event though Linde is their manager. But he's willing to make an exception."

That's fucking great! Can't wait to see the reaction Syn gets when he sees you," Jimmy said with a deep and dark chuckle.

I chuckled too," Same here, Jimbo, same here. Oh, and please tell the guys I said 'Hi'."

When I said that, I heard a chores of 'hellos'.

I laughed when I heard them.

"Should have known I was on speaker."

"Well duh! Why wouldn't you be?" I heard Zacky's voice call out.

I laughed again and said," Well, I don't know."

They guys laughed and saw soon cut short.

"We have to go. Syn's here. See you tomorrow at the first venue stop," Jimmy said in a low voice.

"Alright. See you then," I said before hanging up.

Placing the phone back on it nook, I turned the stove off before heading back into my room and finished packing. I placed the necessary. Pants, shirts, thongs, some skirts and corsets. Picking up another one, I placed some shoes and toiletries. Zipping them up, I carried them over to the front and placed them near the door. I walked back into the kitchen when I felt the familiar warmth then coolness when someone came into my home. Turning, there stood Jyrki and Jussi with the rest of their band mates along with dad, Bam, Dunn, and Novak.

"Hey!" I exclaimed as I hugged the men.

Jussi chuckled and spun me around.

"How are you, kulta?" he asked as he placed me back onto my feet.

"Good good. Sit. I have dinner ready," I said as I motioned for them to take a seat.

They chuckled before talking there seats. As usual, Father took his at the head of the table. I chuckled as I place their food, along with a glass of wine, next to them.

"Thank you, sweetheart," Father said as he kissed my temple.

I smiled at him and sat down to his right.

"Are you ready to go on tour with us?" Jussi said with a grin.

"Oh yeah. I'm ready to be manager for a while," I said before taking a sip of wine.

That received a small chuckle from all the men.

"Well. Linde is happy to let you do his job for a bit. He's getting a bit restless," Father said to me.

"Oh. Well I am grateful for it nonetheless," I said, smiling at him before taking another bite of my pasta.

We continued to talk and eat about some unimportant thing. When dinner was coming towards it's end, Father turned to me and asked what I am going to do.

"Well, I am going to do what I always do, Father. Have fun. Make him jealous. Make him want me more than ever before. And, as always, tease him like their is no tomorrow," I said with a smirk.

Father, along with the others, laughed and got up from there seats.

"Well. It is time we depart. Remember, we are leaving tomorrow early in the morning to get to the first venue in Sacramento," Father said as he brought me into a hug.

I laughed and hugged him back.

"Alright. See you all tomorrow," I said.

They all waved at me before getting into a group then disappearing in a wall of fire. I chuckled before gathering the dished and placed them in the sink before washing and drying them and putting them away. Walking into my bedroom, I grinned at my reflection and said to myself:

"This is going to be fun."
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well heres the next chapter!! I hope ya'll like it!

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