Status: Active

Guess Who's Back


"Fuck yeah! This tour is going to be mother fucking epic!!"Jimmy yelled out as he jumped around Matt's living room

I, along with the guys, laughed at his antics. Leave it to Jimmy to be the life of the party. Everyone was here to wish us a safe and good tour. I was currently leaning against the wall, wondering where Chelle was.

"Hey, where's Chelle?" my dad asked as he came and stood by me.

I looked over at him and shrugged my shoulders.

"Never did like that girl. Always thought she was so mush better then we are. But Lilit, well theirs someone I wouldn't mind in the family. Such a sweet girl. Have you heard from her yet?"

When my dad said that to me, he looked over in my direction. Looking into his eyes, I saw something flash in them. Something that seemed he knew the truth about what happened to her.

"No. I haven't heard from here in four months," I told dad after clearing the sudden lump that formed in my throat.

"Mm. Well that's just too bad, isn't it? Well, have a good tour son," with that, dad went over to where Suzy was talking to Zacky.

I looked over to the front door to see it suddenly go open and in came in Chelle with a hug smile on her face.

"Baby!" she exclaimed when she was me.

I opened my arms and Chelle jumped into them and gave me a big kiss.

"Oh baby, I'm going to miss you so fucking much!! You not going to be here to relieve my stress. Can't you stay?" Chelle said with a pout.

Behind here, there was a sound of someone gaging. Looking over her shoulder, there stood Jimmy pretending to puke his lungs out.

"Sorry. Can't," I said, looked back at Chelle.

"Awe," Chelle said with another pout.

I chuckled and lightly gave her a kiss. When upon leaning in, I smelt something. Something that smelt like Axe, cigarettes, and sex. Pulling back, I took a long and hard look at her. Her hair was a bit matted and her make up looked a bit ruined. I was about to say something to her when Matt said:

"Alright. Bus is here. Let's get this fucking show on the road!"

We all cheered and began to take our luggage over to the bus.

"I'm going to miss you," Chelle said, giving me a small peak on the lips.

"Same here," I said, monotoned.

Chelle smiled at me before everyone backed away from the bus as we all got in and began to drive off. We all waved at them till they were all out of eye sight. Heaving a sigh, I sat back into the sofa and popped open the can of beer Johnny gave me. After taking four gulps, I said:

"This tour is going to be one we never forget."

When I said that, Matt, Johnny, Zacky, and Jimmy gave each other known smirks. Looking back at me, they said, at the same time:

"It sure will be, Brian. It sure will be."
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