Status: Active

Guess Who's Back


"Are you ready for this?" Bam asked me as I walked into my Fathers tour bus.

"Hell yeah," I said as I plopped down on the couch.

Bam laughed before walking out of the bus and began to put the luggage in it's carrier. It was silent fora few seconds before my phone began to ring. Looking at the screen, I saw that it was Zacky calling my.

"Hello, Zack" I said as I got up and walked over to my bunk.

"Hey Lilit. How are you?" he asked.

"Waiting for the rest of the boys to come in so we can hit the road. What about you and the guys?"

Zacky laughed.

"We're already on the road. Close to Sacramento. And we're doing fine. Brian doesn't seem to suspect a thing."

I had to laugh at that.

"Even after you had drop little clues here and there?"

"Yup. We even said somethings as the same time and he's still clueless. But.." Zacky began to say before trailing off.

"But what?" I pressed.

"I have seen his thoughts and dreams," Zacky whispered through the phone.

I was silent for a few seconds before saying in a quiet tone," And what would that be?"

"Mostly, well all of them, are about you. He keeps thinking what life could have been like if he hadn't have killed you that day," Zack said in the same tone.

"Oh," was all I said.

Don't get me wrong, I have thought the same thing time and time again, but that was in the early stages to when I have already awoken.

"Yeah. Hey. I have a question for you," Zacky said in a normal tone.

"Go ahead. You know you can ask me anything," I said.

Zacky laughed.

'Yeah. Well, why did he kill you? What were his motives?"

I stayed quiet for a few minutes before answering his question.

"He did it out of rage and jealousy," I answered.

"Jealousy? What the fuck?" Zacky said, almost yelling.

"That's what I thought until I too saw one of his dreams. It was a memory of me talking to Bam. Bam kissed my forehead and smiled down at me before leaving. He didn't know that Bam was my godfather so thought that I was cheating on him. So the logical thing he thought was to eliminate me. As the saying goes, 'If I can't have you, then nobody will,'."

"Oh.... Well that is just fucked up on his fucking part," Zacky said, more like growled.

I laughed in delight by his tone," Well what's done is done. And anyways, I'm going to have fun on this tour, if you know what I mean."

"Oh I know what you mean," Zacky said with a deep and dark chuckle.

We continued to talk for a few more minutes before we hung up. Getting up from my bunk, I went back to the front of the bus and saw that we were already on the road. Going to where our driver was, I asked him where everybody else were at.

"They are at home, Miss. Lilit. They will be here shortly," the faceless demon said.

I thanked him and walked to the little living room. Sitting on the couch, I turned the t.v. on and began to watch 'Scarred'.


"Sweet heart. It is time to wake up," a voice said.

I stirred a bit before walking up and stared into eyes so much like my own.

"Mm. Where are we?" I asked as I rubbed the sleep off.

Father chuckled before saying," We are in Sacramento already. Hurry and get dress, we're about to be on in an hour and I want you to introduce me to the men you changed."

I chuckled and got up.

"Alright.I'll see you i a few."

Father smiled at me before giving me a kiss on my forehead and headed off the bus. Going back to my bunk, I grabbed the suitcase that was under the bed and brought out a pair of skin tight skinny jeans and a body fitted HIM V-neck that complimented my figure. Walking into the small shower, I took a quick shower before getting dress. Doing my make up was a no hassle. Simple eyeliner and mascara with smoky eye and blood red lipstick. Smiling at my reflection, I retracted my fangs, even though it completed me. Walking back to the front, I pulled out and put on my strapy red high heels. Grabbing my Aviators, back stage pass,and phone, I walked out of the bus and into the venue. Flashing security my pass, I headed where all the bands were. When reaching the door, I took a deep breath and walked inside. Everybody went silent when I entered.

"Ah. Here she is," Father said, motioning for me to go to him.

I walked over to him and stood by his side.

"This is our temporary manger and my daughter, Lilit," Father said, introducing me as if they didn't know who I was.

I took off the Aviators when Father introduced me and looked at all the men in the room. When my green eyes landed on Brian, I smirked and had to hide my laughed. His expression was priceless.

"Hello boys," I purred.

When Brian heard my voice, his eyes buldged out even more. Oh, this is going to be one of the best tours.
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