Sequel: The Cave

This City, So Pretty

We got a meeting, Mr. Los Angeles

March 23, 2011
„Alex, let's go!“ Rian yelled up the stairs.
„God he spends too much time on his hair.“ I said pacing back and forth in front of the stairs.
„Hey! It takes time to look this good.“ Alex said coming downstairs.
„Yeah i don't see much of a difference since you woke up this morning.“ I smiled.
„That's because you're an ass.“ He smiled. I stuck my tongue out at him and we headed out the door.
„Can we stop somewhere to grab something to eat first?“ Alex asked as I drove down the road, headed to hotel Palomar in Los Angeles.
Vans Warped tour founder Kevin Lymann called a 'bands playing warped tour who live in the los angeles area' meeting to talk about tour dates and get to know other bands. See, All Time Low got asked to play for the third year in a row and now my band, Enemy1three, has been asked to join for the first time on warped or anywhere for that matter. We aren't signed yet but we are hoping to make this summer our bitch and make it happen.
„Alright, we'll stop by In N' Out burger before picking up Joey and Cole.“ I told Alex. Jason was going with Jack, Zack, and Matt.
Joey was the drummer of my band and Cole was lead singer and rhythem guitarist. I was the other singer and lead guitarist. And Jason, our bass player. We were punk with a little pop. Are main influences are Anti-Flag to Social Distortion so that's basically our sound.
We got to In N' Out and ordered about 5 cheesburgers and got 5 drinks for all of us. We got to Joey and Cole's hotel and picked them up, handing them their food which they greatfully inhaled.
We got to the hotel palomar and went straight to the little tent warped tour had set up in the court yard. There were quite some bands there. Some we knew, and some we didn't who were just coming to warped, just like my band. We took our assigned seats as kevin got our attention.
„Hello my fellow musicians. Thank you all for coming out and being a part of the Vans Warped Tour line up of 2011.“ Everyone clapped and cheered.
„We have many new faces with us this year and many warped veterans as you may call them. This little meeting i called was to make everyone feel comfortable and have fun and make sure everyone knows what warped is all about and knows what to expect. We have tables and booths set up with flyers and things to let you know what to expect and also to interact with new faces and make them feel welcome.“ He smiled.
He wraped it up and we went to mingle, having a really good time. We learned a lot about the tour the guys failed to mention to us. At around 6pm, we all started to head back to our homes or apartments.
„Are you staying with joey and them or your big bro?“ Alex smiled.
„You.“ I said.
„That's what I thought.“ He laughed. I got in his car along with Joey, Rian, and Jack, who were staying with us as well.
„Hey i picked up the new social distortion album while i was there, put it in.“ Jack said handing the album to alex who was driving my car.
He popped it in and we all jammed out. We got back to Alex and Rian's apartment and i cooked dinner with Joey's help, much to my constant no's. We cooked a steak stirfry, which turned out to be the best thing i've probably ever made.
„And you said this would be nasty cause i helped.“ Joey said smiling.
„Well, i was wrong Joey, We're a good culinary team i guess.“ I said taking another bite.
After dinner, we enjoyed our next week before my band was going to fly out to New York and kick off Warped tour at the House of Vans. A huge skating facility with a bowl. Gonna expect a lot of local skaters. All Time Low are gonna tag along as are my band mates and mine's parents and the other guys siblings.