Sequel: The Cave

This City, So Pretty

Las Vegas, NV

(July 1, 2011 2:00pm)

„Joey! Wake up!“ I yelled. He was the only one alseep and we had to play in a half hour.
„I'm up!“ He muffled into the pillow.
„We gotta play in thirty minutes bro!“ Cole yelled.
„Hurry the fuck up!“ Jason said.
Joey hurried and got dressed, throwing on his Hurley vert tank, Hurley oriel shorts, and black and white vans. He grabbed his Obey trucker hat and put it on. We ran out to the Ernie ball stage just in time to get hooked up.
We played our 6 song set and headed to our tent afterwards, getting ready for our signing at 4:05pm.
„Micah, can you get us some sharpies, some print posters of us, and some water bottles?“ Jason asked.
„Yeah, I'll be back in a sec.“ Micah said leaving. He soon came back and we prepared for our signing.


„Hey.“ Neil smiled, sitting across from me. Alex looked at him weird, but quickly looked back down at his food.
„Hey Neil, enjoy your day?“ I asked him.
„Oh yeah, Las Vegas is a cool place to be.“ He said. „What about you?“
„I had fun. I'm looking forward to my next three days off here.“ I said.
„I got tomorrow off. Maybe we can hang out.“ He said.
„Yeah, that'd be fun.“ I smiled.
„Cool.“ He said. We finished eating and i said goodbye to Neil, walking to my bus.
„The next two days off Alex, we're hanging. Just me and you.“ I told him.
'Alright. I'll just hang with the guys tomorrow. Maybe go to a casino.“ He said. „Have fun with Neil.“ He hugged me before getting on his bus. I saw Cole and ran for him, jumping on his back. He grunted and grabbed onto me.
„I hate when you do that Nat.“ He said. He dropped me.
„Your so nice Cole.“ I said smiling. We got on the bus. All the guys were on.
„Are we staying at a hotel?“ Jason asked.
„If you guys want. We have three days off here.“ Joey said. Jason grabbed his laptop to look at hotels with available rooms here.
„The circus circus hotel is running a special on a two queen suite. 66 bucks per night.“ Jason said.
„No shit brah? That's a great deal.“ Cole said.
„Let's go then.“ Brian said, starting up the bus.
I sat in the passenger seat to watch all the lights of downtown Las Vegas at night. This city is so pretty.
We parked the bus where premitted and got out. We grabbed one of our suitcases and walked inside. To our luck, the hotel had three rooms left under the 66 dollar special two queen suite. Me, the guys, Micah, and Brian were all gonna share one room. We booked it and got our room keys, going up to the 8th floor.
„We should check out the amusment park tomorrow. It looks so sick.“ Joey said.
„Totally Bro.“ Micah said. We got to our room and looked around, amazed.
„I call the pull out couch!“ Jason said, plopping down on the coach.
„Ok, me and micah, cole and brian, and joey, you get the other couch.“ I said. Everyone seemed happy with the arrangments and we went straight to bed.