Sequel: The Cave

This City, So Pretty

Can't believe that it's true

(July 2, 2011 12:00pm)

„So you're downstairs?“ I asked, putting on my sandals. I was talking to Neil on the phone.
„Ok, I'll be down in five.“ I said. „Bye.“
I picked up my purse and did a quick mirror check before heading out the door. Micah, Jason, Cole, Joey, and Brian all went out to that amusement park. I was gonna go tomorrow with Alex and them. I got downstairs to see Neil waiting by the front doors just outside. I walked out and he looked over.
„Ready?“ He asked, smiling.
„Yeah.“ I smiled back. „What do you have planned?“
„Well, I thought that first we'd go check out the auto collections on las vegas blvd. I've been there a couple of times. They have the coolest fucking cars.“ He smiled.
„Sounds great. I love looking at those old fashion cars My dad has his own car auto shop where he fixes up those old cars from the 70's and 80's.“ I said.
„You're gonna have to take me sometime.“ He said.
I looked at him and he was just looking striaght ahead. What did that mean? Take me sometime. I think this is gonna last a while. I had a mental panic attack from happiness as we continued to walk the short distance to the auto collections.
We soon arrived at the building and went up to the fifth floor where it was. We spent two hours there, looking around in amazement at all the beautiful cars. As we were leaving, Neil bought me a little stuffed car with cute eyes on it.
„How about some lunch?“ He said.
„Yeah, I'm starving.“ I said.
„I got just the place.“ He said. I'm so glad he knew this place. Cause i sure in the hell didn't.
„I hope you like French food.“ He said, opening the door of the building for me.
„I love french food.“ I told him.
Ever since i went to Paris when i was 10, i have been in love with their food. We were seated and handed menus. We ordered our food and waited.
„So, um, you're probably thinking that it's weird i've been wanting to hang out with you these past couple weeks. And i just met you.“ Neil said, looking down at his plate.
„Well, i wouldn't say weird. But i am curious as to why.“ I said, knowing damn well why!
„I like you, Nat. I think you're so pretty, smart and funny. I just wanted to hang out with you, to get to know you better.“ He said. I did a fist pump in victory in my mind.
„Funny you should say that, cause, i like you too Neil. I've been so happy spending these little outtings with you.“ I said. He smiled.
„So, this whole age gap doesn't affect you?“ He asked.
„Not one bit.“ I said. We finished our food, before we started to walk on the strip.
„If i asked you to be my girlfriend, would you object?“ Neil asked. I was not expecting that.
„I would say yes.“ I smiled. He looked down at me, height difference.
„Would you like to be my girlfriend?“ He asked.
„Yes.“ I smiled.
He smiled and we continued our walk on the strip, stopping at little shops on the way back to my hotel. At around 7:00pm, we finally reached my hotel.
„Have fun playing in Ventura tomorrow.“ I said to him. He gave me a hug.
„See you in Indiana. I'll call you tomorrow.“ He said, walking down the street.
I smiled the whole way up to my room. I opened the door to our suite to see Cole and Joey jumping on the beds, Brian on his laptop, micah watching tv, and jason asleep on the couch in the other room.
„Nat's back!“ Micah said, running over to me.
„How was your day?“ He asked.
„You have no idea.“ I smiled like an idiot.
„Sit, tell us.“ He said. Joey and Cole sat on the bed as i began to tell them everything.
„He asked you out!“ Cole and Joey shouted.
„Yes, but none of you will tell alex tomorrow.“ I said.
„Why?“ Cole asked.
„It's just not the right time.“ I said. He nodded in understanding and we sat back on the bed, relaxing the evening away.