Sequel: The Cave

This City, So Pretty

The Long Chapter Part 1

(July 7, 2011 9:30am)

„You'd think for a corn state, it wouldn't be so damn dry and muggy.“ Cole complained as we walked around warped, going to get some breakfast at the VIP tent.
„That's what i was thinking.“ Joey said.
Where's your boyfriend Natalie?“ Micah smiled.
„I don't know, shut up Micah.“ I said.
„Ooh.“ He said, smiling.
„When are you going to tell Alex?“ Joey asked as we grabbed our plates.
„I'm hoping not for a while. But, i don't see that happening.“
„Just get it over with.“ He said as we all sat down.
„I guess so. I'll do it tonight.“


„Guys, you have an interview at the monster tent.“ Mark, our manager, told us.
Micah stayed at the booth while we followed Mark. The moster energy pit reporter, Brian, was waiting. We sat down on the provided stools next to him. He introduced himself to the camera then he introduced us.
„Today in Indiana I'm sitting here with Enemy1Three! Introduce yourself guys and your positions on the band.“
„I'm Cole, I play guitar and sing.“
„I'm Nat, I play guitar.“
„I'm Joey, I play drums.“
„I'm Jason, I play bass.“
„So guys, what does it feel like to be one of the youngest bands to play warped?“
„We're really honored to be this young and play on such a big tour along side of idols.“ Joey said.
„There's another band called The Bots here around your age. Any competition?“
„Yes!“ Cole said sarcastically. We all laughed.
„No, we're actually really good friends with them. They rock.“ Jason said.
„Do you guys have any cds released?“
No, but we're planning to hit the studio as soon as this tour is over with. But we do have this thing called a widget on our Myspace where you can download our music for free until we release a cd.“ I said.
„Is that where you guys got your fame? Social networks?“
„Most was from touring in our hometown of Baltimore. But the social networks contributed a lot.“ Joey said.
„You guys won Battle of the Bands. How many votes did you get?“
„I'd say around 50,000.“ I said.
„That's a lot.“ Brian said. „I hear one of your brother's is famous.“
„That would be mine. My brother is Alex from All Time Low.“ I told him.
„Has your life changed since your brother's band made it big?“
„Not really. Only that he's gone on tour most of the time. But other than that, he's still the same loud mouth, cursing em effer i love.“ I smiled. The guys laughed.
„How long have you all known each other?“
„I've known Nat since i was five when i moved down the street from her.“ Cole said.
„Jason and I met her in the fourth grade. And Cole was in third grade.“ Joey said.
„These guys are basically my brothers.“ I said.
„When did you all realize that you played instruments and you wanted to form a band?“
„Um, i started playing guitar when i was 6. My brother was 12 and he basically shoved a guitar in my hands and taught me. It was really fun for me because we had a lot of fun together. Then i think it was around 8 years old when i found out Cole played guitar too. And he was a really good singer. So he would come over and we would just play guitar and he'd sing. Then we told Joey about our guitar practices and he told us he's been playing drums since four. And Jason told us he played guitar too since he was 5.“ I said.
„I didn't pick up bass until i was 10.“ Jason said.
„And we formed this lovely little band when we were 12. I was 11.“ Cole said.
„Was this band name your original one?“
„Acutally we called ourselfs 'Them vs the world. But we shortened it to Enemy1Three about two years ago.“ Joey said.
„Awesome guys, thanks for your time.“ He said.
„No problem.“ We all said.
„Make sure to check out more interviews from bands at warped only at the Monster Engery pit blog.“
The guys and i left the tent.