Sequel: The Cave

This City, So Pretty

Disney World

(July 31, 2011 9:00am)

„Wake up Nat.“ I opened my eyes to see Neil standning over me.
„Ready to go to Disneyworld?“ He smiled.
„This early?“ I asked.
„It's nine. It's not early.“ He said.
„You're kidding, right.“ I said.
„Nope. I get up at around 8 all the time. It's a habit.“ He said. „Come on sleepy head. All the boys are up ready to go.“
„How did you manage that?“ I asked, getting out of his heaven cloud of a bed.
„I said, 'who wants to go to Disneyworld' and they are got ready in five minutes.“ He laughed.
„Alright, well let me get some clothes and i'll meet you guys outside.“ I said. He kissed me.
„We'll be in my van.“ He said.
I got dressed once he walked out. I put on my Roxy surf every day tee, Miss Me double cuff shorts, and my Nike 6.0 braate shoes. I fixed my hair and went downstairs and outside. It was really nice for this early in the morning. The sun was shinning away. It seemed to be about 68 maybe 70 degrees out. Not too hot, not cold. Just right.
„Hey, grab a bathing suit and some other stuff from the bus.“ Cole said, carrying a bag to Neil's van. I walked on the bus and threw what i needed in my quiksilver duffle bag. I put it in the van and me and the guys took off.
We stopped at Mcdonalds for some breakfast before enduring our long day.
„The happiest place in the world.“ Micah mocked in a weird voice. Some of us laughed.
„I love coming here.“ Cole smiled, looking out his window. We got through the gates, parked the car, and walked toward the crowded enterance. Neil paid for my ticket while the guys paid for theirs seperatly.
„Where to first?“ Neil asked.
„How about the little rides, and work our way up.“ Joey said. We all sounded happy with that plan so we first went to Hollywood Studios.
I swear we spent at least three hours or a little more just in Hollywood Studios, checking out the exhibits or riding the rides. My personal favorite was the Rock n Roller coaster.
„Let's eat.“ Neil said.
We walked over to Fronteirland to eat at Pecos Bill Tall Tale Inn and Cafe'. One of my favorite places to eat at. We all ordered cheeseburgers and some fries and planned out our next half of the day.
„I'm having so much fun Neil, thanks for taking us.“ I said. Him and i were currently walking to Epcot. The guys went to The Magic Kingdom where Neil and I were gonna meet them later for dinner.
„I'm glad you're having some fun.“ He smiled. He grabbed my hand and we explored.
„Ok, we'll ride space mountain, then eat.“ I said.
„I fucking love this ride.“ Cole smiled. We stood in line, anxious to get on.
(2 hours later)
„Did you all have fun?“ Neil asked as we got in his van.
„Hell yeah!“ A few of us said.
„It's good to do stuff like this on tour. To keep sane.“ Neil said.
We drove back to his home, prepared to play Atlanta tomorrow. I'm giving some of my family some tickets to the show. Some of Alex and mine's cousins live in Atlanta so we'll be really excited to see them.
Neil drove in his driveway and we went inside, very exhausted.
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Sorry i haven't updated in awhile. Been busy with finals. Hopefully i'll be able to post some more chapters before my big summer trip starting June 6. After that, my updates will be less frequent, but I'll still post.