Sequel: The Cave

This City, So Pretty

Phoenix, AZ

(August 7, 2011 2:00pm)

„So, what's your plans after this tour?“ Jeremy asked.
„Well, we were hoping to get in the studio to record our first album.“ Joey said.
Jeremy, Neil, Kevin, Joey, Jason, Micah, and I were all hanging out on ADTR's bus.
„Where are you gonna record at?“ Neil asked.
„We haven't really thought about that. I don't know of any music studios in Baltimore.“ I said.
„There's that one. Um, Orion Sound.“ Micah said.
„Oh yeah!“ I smiled.
„How much is that?“ Joey asked.
„I don't know.“ Micah said.
„We'll find out when we get home.“ I told them.
„Can you believe this tour is almost over.“ Jeremy said.
„I know, it went by so fast. But i had a lot of fun.“ Kevin said.

(Alex's POV)

„Hey, where's my sister at?“ I asked Brian.
„Uh, she's on ADTR's bus.“ He said. I went to the bus area and toward their bus.
„Hey man.“ Jeremy smiled. I looked over to see Nat sitting my Neil, looking at his phone and smiling. She then looked up at me.
„Hey guys.“ I smiled, sitting down next to Joey.
„Enjoying your last day on Warped Gaskarth?“ Kevin asked.
„Oh yeah, i'm having a blast.“ I said.
Today was my last day of the tour and in a few short weeks, i'm going on tour again for Dirty Work.
„Um, Nat, can we talk outside?“ I asked. She stood up and followed me off the bus.
„What's up?“ She asked.
„I just want you to behave yourself for the remainder of the tour.“ I said. She sighed.
„I'm old enough to take care of myself Alex. And the guys watch out for me too.“ She said.
„I know they do. They're good dudes. I'm just saying.“ I said. She hugged me.
„I'll be fine. Make sure to get me some tickets for one of your close shows.“ She smiled, referring to my dirty work tour.
„I will.“ I smiled. „Well, it's almost time for me and the guys to take off.“
„I'll walk with you to your bus.“ She said. The walk wasn't as long as i hoped. We arrived at my bus a short few minutes later.
„Have fun on Dirty Work Alex.“ She said, hugging me.
„Bye sis.“ I walked on the bus to see all the guys.
„Ready to go man?“ Rian asked me.
„Yeah, let's go.“ I said.

(Nat's POV)

„So Alex left?“ Neil asked.
„Yeah.“ I said. He put his arm around me.
„Random question, but, whose your favorite band?“ Neil asked. I laughed.
„Well, this is awkard, but your guys are.“ I said.
„Really, that's awesome. So then it must be amazing to actually date someone in your favorite band.“ He smiled. I nodded.
„So you like jam out to us?“ He asked.
„All the time. I have all your albums on my iPhone.“ I said.
„Nice. Whose your second favorite band?“
„Um, I'd have to say All That Remains.“
„That's fucking awesome.“ He smiled.
„Guys! We're going to Dairy Queen!“ Josh yelled, running on the bus.
„Who said?“ Kevin asked.
„Me bitch!“ He smiled. Their driver started the bus and headed out.
„I guess we're going too.“ Joey said. We all laughed. We soon arrived and got off the bus. Well, josh and their driver ran off the bus.
„Order when you're ready.“ The guy said.
We all ordered and threw in some money. We got our ice cream and sat outside at a table, enjoying the nice sunny day. Man, these next couple weeks are going to be the best. I will make sure of it.