Sequel: The Cave

This City, So Pretty

House of Vans

(March 25, 2011)
„Man this is so exciting!“ Jason exclaimed jumping up and down.
Joey, Cole, Jason, and i were in our hotel, that overlooked central fucking park! Our parents and siblings were on their way now with Jack, Alex, Zack, and Rian.
„I know. I'm so pumped for tonight.“ I said.
„Hey guys!“ We all turned around to see our parents and atl walking into our suite.
We hugged our parents and the kids and got them settled. Joey's 12 year old brother Zack came along, Jason's 18 year old brother Ben came, his 14 year old sister Hannah came, Cole's 17 year old brother Vince came, and his 11 year old brother Cade. And of course my brother Alex.
„Let's all go out to dinner before the show, Rian's treat.“ Jack yelled.
„Thanks for nominating me bro.“ Rian said.
„I'll go in halves.“ Alex said.
Since we couldn't fit 17 people in a 5 person car, we decided to walk. It was a nice day out for New York, 65 and sunny. We ran into Bill's Bar and Burger and went inside. We took up two tables. We all ate, then headed to the House of Vans.
„Ok, you guys are in the VIP section. And the band, you're backstage.“ A security guy handed ATL and our parents VIP passes and led them to the VIP section while the guys and i went backstage with the other bands.
We were the second of the four bands to play. Not gonna lie, i was so nervous i thought i was going to piss on myself. Cole was shaking so bad, and joey kept grinding his teeth. Jason was a mess to say the least. But, we were all prepared. I hope.
„Alright, now let's hear it for a brand new band from Baltimore, Maryland. Enemy1Three!“ The DJ yelled.
Lots of people yelled as we walked onstage. There had to be at least 1400 people there. We went right to the first song. We were only allowed to play five songs and we picked our five best, starting with 'Punk Rock's Not Dead Yet'. From the crowd's response i could see a lot of people really digged our style. We finished with Sickness and went offstage, straight to the VIP section.
„I got everything on tape Natalie.“ My mom cooed hugging me.
„Awesome mom. I'll put it on our YouTube channel and our blog.“ I smiled, taking the camera from her.
„You did great little sis.“ Alex said hugging me.
„Thanks Alex.“ I smiled.
„Let's get back to the hotel.“ My dad said.
We all went back to the hotel. In our suite, we had three king size beds, 2 sofa beds, and three recliner chairs. Me, Alex, and Jack slept in one bed, Rian and Zack slept on a couch bed, and everyone else migrated from there.